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Mobile Number Tracker - India
The Mobile Number Tracker - India API empowers developers to retrieve essential information such as series, circle, and operator details for any mobile number within India. Leveraging this service, applications can enhance user experiences by providing location-based services and targeted content. With its free access and comprehensive coverage, developers can seamlessly integrate this API to enrich their applications with valuable mobile number insights tailored to the Indian market.
By Navi
Updated 3 weeks ago
Indian Telecom Data Recharge Plans
This API will give details of recharge for various mobile operators in India. You can integrate into your mobile recharging sites or apps. The data is pullled from official telecom operator site. For Commercial purpose contact Keywords : indian recharge tariff, telecom data, recharge plans,
By sphirelabs
Updated 3 months ago
REST Countries
Get all the countries information as : "name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul", "altSpellings": [ "AF", "Afġānistān" ], "relevance": "0", "region": "Asia", "subregion": "Southern Asia", "translations": { "de": "Afghanistan", "es": "Afganistán", "fr": "Afghanistan", "ja": "アフガニスタン", "it": "Afghanistan" }, "population": 26023100, "latlng": [ 33, 65 ], "demonym": "Afghan", "area": 652230, "gini": 27.8, "timezones": [ "UTC+04:30" ], "borders": [ "IRN", "PAK", "TKM", "UZB", "TJK", "CHN" ], "nativeName": "افغانستان", "callingCodes": [ "93" ], "topLevelDomain": [ ".af" ], "alpha2Code": "AF", "alpha3Code": "AFG", "currencies": [ "AFN" ], "languages": [ "ps", "uz", "tk" ]
By ajayakv
Updated 3 months ago