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DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info
DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info includes topic summaries, categories, disambiguation, official sites, !bang redirects, definitions and more. You can use this API for many things, e.g. define people, places, things, words and concepts; provides direct links to other services (via !bang syntax); list related topics; and gives official sites when available.
By duckduckgo
Updated 3 weeks ago
Breaking News
MyAllies News delivers real-time news and stock pricing from across the globe and information on the latest breaking business and financial news.
By MyAllies
Updated 3 weeks ago Crawler Feeds is a news search engine, news aggregator, and news services provider. We provide subscription based API access to our crawler and search index.
By kynast
Updated 3 weeks ago
App Search
Search apps
By nextstagesearch
Updated 3 weeks ago
Site Scraper
The web site title scraper by passing an URL and the system will crawl the site title
By fyhao
Updated 3 weeks ago
By riddhi_raval
Updated 3 weeks ago
Random Famous Quotes
Get a random quote in JSON format. Current categories are: - famous - movies
By Andres Olvera
Updated 3 weeks ago
IP Info
Get location information about an IP address. Depending on the specific IP address you can determine the country, region, city, longitude and latitude of the address. Our high quality database for geolocation data is being constantly updated as the internet address allocation changes (the database is usually updated at least once per month). This API can also be used to do reverse DNS (PTR) lookups.
Updated 3 weeks ago
This API takes a URL or domain as input and returns back DNS data
By enclout
Updated 3 weeks ago