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Freepik Downloader API
This API helps you to download any files from freepik.
By Joshim Uddin
Updated 3 days ago
Free Google Translator
This API works just like Google Translator, allowing you to translate text into many different languages, just like Google Translator does
By Joshim Uddin
Updated 1 week ago
Envato Downloader API.
The Envato Downloader API is a simple tool that lets users get files from Envato just by providing a link. When a user sends a link to the API, it will give back two things: 01. The File to Download: This is the main file that the link points to. 02. The License: This is a document that shows the legal rights to use the file. With this API, users don't need to worry about extra steps. They just send a link, and they get everything they need to use the file properly.
By Joshim Uddin
Updated 2 weeks ago