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Realty Mole

We provide real estate and property data APIs for developers.

Geocode Location Lookup
Geocode and reverse lookup location information by IP address, address, or latitude / longitude coordinates.
By montanaflynn
Updated 3 weeks ago
Crime Data
Crime data is great for safe neighbourhoods.
By jgentes
Updated 3 weeks ago
Domain Availability Checker
The Domain Availability Checker API provides developers with a straightforward solution to verify the availability of domain names for registration. By simply submitting a domain name, users can swiftly determine its availability status. With support for popular top-level domains (TLDs), this API streamlines the domain search process, offering real-time availability results. Integrated seamlessly into applications, it offers a free and efficient way to check domain availability, aiding users in securing their desired online presence.
By Navi
Updated 3 weeks ago
Whois Lookup
Research domain ownership with Whois Lookup.
By mutationevent
Updated 3 weeks ago
Check if a domain is available. 10,000 free requests including domain availability checks. Returns WHOIS data including expiration dates.
By Domaination
Updated 3 weeks ago
Rent Estimate
(API Deprecated) Get instant access to 140+ million real-time property rent estimates and comparable rental listings with the Realty Mole rental data API. Available nationwide in the US.
By Realty Mole
Updated 3 weeks ago