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TextAnalysis API provides customized Text Analysis,Text Mining and Text Processing Services like Text Summarization, Language Detection, Text Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Word Tokenize, Part-of-Speech(POS) Tagging, Named Entity Recognition(NER), Stemmer, Lemmatizer, Chunker, Parser, Key Phrase Extraction(Noun Phrase Extraction), Sentence Segmentation(Sentence Boundary Detection), Grammar Checker and other Text Analysis Tasks. It stands on the giant shoulders of NLP Tools, such as NLTK, TextBlob, Pattern, MBSP and etc. You can test the services on our demo website TextAnalysisOnline and use the TextAnalysis API on Mashape. If you have any questions or want any customized text analysis services, you can contact us by email:
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
Text processing framework to analyse Natural Language. It is especially focused on text classification and sentiment analysis of online news media (general-purpose, multiple topics).
By atrilla
Updated 3 weeks ago
Sentiment analysis, stemming and lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging and chunking, phrase extraction and named entity recognition.
By Jacob
Updated 3 weeks ago
Text Summarization
Text Summarization API provides professional text summarizer service which is based on advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies. It can be used to summarize short important text from the URL or document that user provided. If you want test our automatic text summarization service, you can use our free automaticText Summarizer online demo:
By TextMiner
Updated 3 weeks ago
SMMRY is an automatic summary generator. SMMRY is accessible by an API. Developers are able to implement SMMRY into applications that may require a summary of a webpage or variable. Developers need to generate an API key to access this feature.
By community
Updated 3 weeks ago
Sentiment analysis and keyword extraction for English, French, German, Russian. See for demos, tutorials and example clients. The API is reachable on . Support for languages other than English is currently available only on custom pricing plans - please get in touch with us if you'd like to use the API for these languages.
By sentinelprojects
Updated 3 weeks ago
DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info
DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info includes topic summaries, categories, disambiguation, official sites, !bang redirects, definitions and more. You can use this API for many things, e.g. define people, places, things, words and concepts; provides direct links to other services (via !bang syntax); list related topics; and gives official sites when available.
By duckduckgo
Updated 3 weeks ago
Sentiment Analysis
Is this comment positive or negative? Find out the tone.
By Twinword API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Website Screenshot
Takes screenshots of websites.
By HaNdTriX
Updated 3 weeks ago
Json Tools
This API provides a set of useful features for JSON data. Send me a private message to ask for more features. Enjoy :)
By thefosk
Updated 3 weeks ago
Recipe - Food - Nutrition
The spoonacular Recipe - Food - Nutrition API gives you to access to thousands of recipes, storebought packaged foods, and chain restaurant menu items. Our food ontology and semantic recipe search engine makes it possible to search for recipes using natural language queries, such as "gluten free brownies without sugar" or "low fat vegan cupcakes." You can automatically calculate the nutritional information for any recipe, estimate recipe costs, visualize ingredient lists, find recipes for what's in your fridge, find recipes based on special diets, nutritional requirements, or favorite ingredients, classify recipes into types and cuisines, convert ingredient amounts, or even compute an entire meal plan. With our powerful API, you can create many kinds of food and nutrition apps. Special diets/dietary requirements currently available include: vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, gluten free, grain free, dairy free, high protein, low sodium, low carb, Paleo, Primal, ketogenic, and more.
By David
Updated 3 weeks ago