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Samepoint Monitor
The Samepoint Trend API Data-set represent a collection of current trends in news and media. It does not include everything in social media however it can be trained to find most content when put in monitoring mode.
By samepoint
Updated 3 weeks ago
Sentiment Analysis
Multilingual sentiment analysis of texts from different sources (blogs, social networks,...). Besides polarity at sentence and global level, Sentiment Analysis uses advanced natural language processing techniques to also detect the polarity associated to both entities and concepts in the text. Sentiment Analysis also gives the user the possibility of detecting the polarity of user-defined entities and concepts, making the service a flexible tool applicable to any kind of scenario. Additionally, Sentiment Analysis detects if the text processed is subjective or objective and if it contains irony marks [beta], both at global and sentence level, giving the user additional information about the reliability of the polarity obtained from the sentiment analysis.
By MeaningCloud
Updated 3 weeks ago
Sentiment analysis, stemming and lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging and chunking, phrase extraction and named entity recognition.
By Jacob
Updated 3 weeks ago