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The WebKnox Recipe API allows you to access over 330,000 recipes. It allows users to search for recipes using natural language such as "gluten free brownies without sugar". Furthermore, several widgets to visualize ingredient lists, price breakdowns, This Food API also contains thousands of information bits about ingredients such as nutrition, prices, tips, and more.
Updated 3 weeks ago
Recipe - Food - Nutrition
The spoonacular Recipe - Food - Nutrition API gives you to access to thousands of recipes, storebought packaged foods, and chain restaurant menu items. Our food ontology and semantic recipe search engine makes it possible to search for recipes using natural language queries, such as "gluten free brownies without sugar" or "low fat vegan cupcakes." You can automatically calculate the nutritional information for any recipe, estimate recipe costs, visualize ingredient lists, find recipes for what's in your fridge, find recipes based on special diets, nutritional requirements, or favorite ingredients, classify recipes into types and cuisines, convert ingredient amounts, or even compute an entire meal plan. With our powerful API, you can create many kinds of food and nutrition apps. Special diets/dietary requirements currently available include: vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, gluten free, grain free, dairy free, high protein, low sodium, low carb, Paleo, Primal, ketogenic, and more.
By David
Updated 3 weeks ago
Imagga automated image tagging and categorization
Imagga is an automated image tagging, image categorization, composition and color analysis API. It's just a matter of making an API call to extract the type of metadata relevant to you. Imagga's deep learning and image recognition technology helps developers to build apps that understand images and companies to make sense of their large-scale image collections.
By imagga
Updated 3 weeks ago
Robohash Image Generator
Generate a cool looking robot image for any text using this new api.
By blaazetech
Updated 3 weeks ago
DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info
DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info includes topic summaries, categories, disambiguation, official sites, !bang redirects, definitions and more. You can use this API for many things, e.g. define people, places, things, words and concepts; provides direct links to other services (via !bang syntax); list related topics; and gives official sites when available.
By duckduckgo
Updated 3 weeks ago
Text Processing
The WebKnox text processing API lets you process (natural) language texts. You can detect the text's language, the quality of the writing, find entity mentions, tag part-of-speech, extract dates, extract locations, or determine the sentiment of the text.
Updated 3 weeks ago
This is an api that let's you execute javascript on any website and lets you get anything back as respond. The API can also take screenshots of a webpage, resize the viewport, pre-render SPA applications and also be able to play with a real canvas element and whatever you can do in a browser
By warting
Updated 3 weeks ago
The local food and farmers' market REST API. Search by food items, get details on a farmers' market or on a local business. This is our contribution to the local food and farmers' market developer community. From this data, we can build many applications.
By mytweetmark
Updated 3 weeks ago
Food2Fork is a place to find top socially ranked recipes from tons of recipe blogs and websites.
By community
Updated 3 weeks ago
Trivia - Knowledge - Facts
This API provides you with a large amount of interesting random facts and trivia. Get random trivia or search facts by a specific keyword.
Updated 3 weeks ago