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Random Famous Quotes
Get a random quote in JSON format. Current categories are: - famous - movies
By Andres Olvera
Updated 3 weeks ago
An API for interesting facts about numbers. Provides trivia, math, date, and year facts about numbers. For example, "5 is the number of platonic solids", "42 is the number of little squares forming the left side trail of Microsoft's Windows 98 logo", "February 27th is the day in 1964 that the government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over"
By divad12
Updated 3 weeks ago
The Quotes API is a simple API that returns an inspirational quote and its author from our curated database of quotes.
By timshim
Updated 3 weeks ago
GeoStockPhoto is a stock photo agency with high-quality photos from all around the world. Each photo is geotagged with latitude and longitude. All registered users can interact with our database and retrieve information of all photos on sale.
By geostockphoto
Updated 3 weeks ago
This is an unofficial Pinterest API. Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, 're-pin' images to their own pinboards, or 'like' photos. (Credits to,uk for the user-specific Pinterest APIs).
By ismael
Updated 3 weeks ago
Online Images  associated with a keyword
Returns a collection of photo links associated with the keyword passed as a parameter. Example
By gobter
Updated 3 weeks ago