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MyMemory - Translation Memory
Get a better translation! MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory that contains billions of words translated by professional translators. MyMemory will give you ModernMT machine translation if a human translation is not available.
By Translated
Updated 3 weeks ago
Email Validator
Checks for fake DNS as well as uses regex functions to check the email for the right length and accepted characters. For example it will mark as valid an email like '' but it will recognize as a fake '' (because of the not existing domain)
By pozzad
Updated 3 weeks ago
MateCat Filters
Convert any file to the XLIFF format, and then back to the original format with all the contents translated and perfectly preserved formatting.
By Translated
Updated 23 hours ago
Terminology Extraction
This API allows you to extract most relevant terms from a text. It is not, like many others, a basic TF-IDF analysis. It compare the text against a very large language model, it uses a probabilistic model to identify candidates, it supports multi-words terms and not only single words. It uses part of speech tagging to clean up the results". In short it is probably the most advanced term extraction out there.
By Translated
Updated 3 weeks ago
Text Readability
This API helps you understand the text's complexity. Phrase length influence the ease of reading and understanding of a given text. Short words are usually more common (Zipf's law). Short sentences require less abstraction ability to understand. The readability analysis could be useful to make a text better, augmenting its accessibility.
By Translated
Updated 3 weeks ago