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Returns well-parsed whois fields in XML and JSON formats. Use it to track domain registrations, check domain name availability, detect credit card fraud, locate users geographically. The service automatically follows the whois registry referral chains until it finds the correct whois registrars with the most complete whois data. Works over basic HTTP and avoices firewall-related problems of accessing Whois servers on port 43.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Reverse Whois
Reverse WHOIS API lets you see all the domain names containing specified search terms (names, email, address, phone, etc.) based on WHOIS records.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Email Verification
Email Verification API is a simple REST API solution to ensure the existence, quality, and validity of an email address.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Domain Availability
Domain Availability API lets you check instantly if a domain name is available to be registered.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
DNS Lookup
DNS Lookup API lets you gather a domain' corresponding IP address/A record, mail server/MX record, DNS servers/NS nameservers, as well as other items like SPF records/TXT records.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Reverse IP
Reverse IP API lets you see all the connected domains currently hosted on a given IP address. That way, you can make sure your or someone else's website doesn't share an IP address with undesirable hosts and therefore prevent overblocking.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Reverse MX
Reverse MX API lets you see the list of domains using the same mail server so that you can avoid your website sharing its server with dangerous or even blacklisted domains.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Reverse NS
Reverse NS API lets you see the list of domains using the same name server.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
IP geolocation
IP Geolocation API lets you locate the IP addresses of your website visitors and users as well as those addresses contained in your network logs.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Domain Whois Brand Alert v2
Brand Alert API (v2) lets you monitor the exact matches, close variations, and common misspellings related to your brand and trademarks' domain names.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bulk Whois
Bulk WHOIS API delivers WHOIS records for large lists of domains and IPs via a single REST API query and is powered by a WHOIS Database containing 11.5 billion+ WHOIS records spanning 2,864+ TLDs for over 582M domains tracked. Upload a CSV file containing the domain list and download the result in CSV.
By Whois XML API
Updated 3 weeks ago