
By Igor Zakutynsky | Updated 12 days ago | Business Software
Health Check



KeenIO Package

APIs for capturing, analyzing, and embedding event data in everything you build.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: masterKey, writeKey, readKey, organizationKey, accessKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign in
  2. Create new project.
  3. Navigate to project->access.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Records a single event to a given event collection.

Field Type Description
writeKey Credentials Your write key
projectId String Project identifier.
collectionName String Collection name.
data JSON Event body.


Record multiple events across one or more event collections.

Field Type Description
writeKey Credentials Your write key
projectId String Project identifier.
data JSON Event body.


Return schema information for a single event collection.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
collectionName String Collection name.


Return schema information for all the event collections in a given project.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.


Return the number of events in the collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred. Example: this_7_days


Return the number of events with unique values, for a target property in a collection matching given criteria. A common use for this is to count the number of unique users who performed an event.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Return the minimum numeric value for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Return the maximum numeric value for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Calculate the sum of all numeric values for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Calculate the average value for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Calculate the median value for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Calculate a specified percentile value for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.
percentile Number Specifies the percentile to calculate.


Return a list of unique property values for a target property, among all events in a collection matching given criteria.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
targetProperty String Specifies the name of the property to analyze.
timeframe String Limits analysis to a specific period of time when the events occurred.


Creating a Saved Query.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
query JSON Parameters for the query you want to save and have us run on an interval.
queryName String Query name.


Getting Saved Query Results.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
queryName String Query name.


To change the definition of the query, you must provide a complete new definition for the query in the “query” field in the body.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
query JSON Parameters for the query you want to save and have us run on an interval.
queryName String Change the name of the query.


Getting All Saved Query Definitions.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.


Getting a Saved Query Definition.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
queryName String Change the name of the query.


Delete a Saved Query.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
queryName String Change the name of the query.


By turning on caching, you can tell Keen to automatically refresh your saved queries so you can get immediate results. We will calculate the results of your query on a set interval, and have them available for you immediately when you ask for the Saved Query result.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
queryName String Change the name of the query.
refreshRate String The refresh rate value is in seconds, and must be more than 1 hour (3,600 seconds) and less than 24 hours (86,400 seconds).


Create a Cached Dataset.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
datasetName String Dataset identifier.
query JSON The query definition you want Keen to optimize for your application.
indexBy String The event property name of string values you will to retrieve results by; eg “” stored as “1f2o3o4”, “5b6a7r8”. Currently supports one index_by property name. Cannot duplicate property query’s group_by.
displayName String The human-readable string name for your Cached Dataset


Getting a Dataset Definition.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
datasetName String Dataset identifier.


Retrieving results from a Cached Dataset.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
datasetName String Dataset identifier.
indexBy String The string property value you want to retrieve results by.
timeframe String Limits retrieval of results to a specific portion of the Cached Dataset.


Get list of Cached Dataset definitions for a project

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
limit Number How many Cached Dataset definitions to return at a time (1-100). Defaults to 10.
afterName String A cursor for use in pagination. after_name is the Cached Dataset name that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 Cached Dataset definitions, ending with dataset_foo you can use dataset_foo as your after_name to retrieve the next page of definitions. Lists also return with helper “next_page_url” that uses after_name, so your subsequent call can fetch the next page of the list easily.


Delete a Cached Dataset.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
datasetName String Dataset identifier.


Return a list of available query resources with a GET request.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.


Creates an extraction request for full-form event data with all property values.

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
timeframe String Refines the scope of events to be included in the analysis based on when the event occurred.
filters String Refines the scope of events to be included in the analysis based on event property values.
timezone String Assigns a timezone offset to relative timeframes.
email String If an email address is specified, an email will be sent to it when your extraction is ready for download. If email is not specified, your extraction will be processed synchronously and your data will be returned as JSON.
latest Number An integer containing the number of most recent events to extract.


Extract to CSV file

Field Type Description
readKey Credentials Your read key
projectId String Project identifier.
eventCollection String Specifies the name of the event collection to analyze.
timeframe String Refines the scope of events to be included in the analysis based on when the event occurred.
email String Email address.


Returns information about a project.

Field Type Description
organizationKey Credentials Your organization key
organizationId String Organization identifier.
projectId String Project identifier.


Returns information about all projects for the given organization.

Field Type Description
organizationKey Credentials Your organization key
organizationId String Organization identifier.


Create a new project in the organization.

Field Type Description
organizationKey Credentials Your organization key
organizationId String Organization identifier.
name String Specifies the name of the project to be created.
users Array Specifies users for the project. If any users supplied do not exist, the request will fail. You will receive an error indicating which users are invalid.


Update an existing project in the organization.

Field Type Description
organizationKey Credentials Your organization key
organizationId String Organization identifier.
projectId String Project identifier.
name String Specifies the name of the project to be created.
users Array Specifies users for the project. If any users supplied do not exist, the request will fail. You will receive an error indicating which users are invalid.


Create a new API Key for the project.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
name String A human readable name for the API Key. Limited to 256 characters.
isActive Select A boolean that indicates if the key is currently active or revoked.
permitted List A list of high level actions this key can perform. Possible options: “writes”, “queries”, “saved_queries”, “cached_queries”, “datasets”, “schema”
options JSON An object containing more details about the key’s permitted and restricted functionality.


Retrieves a list of Access Keys.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.


Retrieves an Access Key definition.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
customKey String Key identifier.


Revoking an Access Key.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
customKey String Key identifier.


Unrevokes an Access Key.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
customKey String Key identifier.


Delete a single event collection.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
collectionName String Collection name.


Deletes events meeting criteria of supplied filters, timeframe and timezone parameters

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
collectionName String Collection name.
filters String Optional filters to use when selecting events for deletion.
timeframe String Optional timeframes to use when selecting events for deletion.
timezone String Optional timezone to use when specifying a timeframe.


Delete a Property.

Field Type Description
masterKey Credentials Your master key
projectId String Project identifier.
collectionName String Collection name.
propertyName String Property name.
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Igor Zakutynsky
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