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How to get the result of AcroLearner Time Series Prediction

AcroLearner includes a set of RESTful APIs about Time Series Prediction(AR/MA/ARMA/ARIMA). Generally, the following steps is necessary.

  1. First of all, a new Machine Learning Theme is posted with some parameters and its items or not. You will get "trainKey" and “resultKey”.
    "trainKey" is unique only for this theme. “resultKey” is changeable. Actually a different “resultKey” will available when you call the Theme every time.

  2. Then you may individually post or put some items of the theme above.

  3. Once you finish the registration of Machine Learning Theme and its items, you may start a training/learning process to generate a Machine Learning Model using “trainKey”.

  4. Finally, you may post your original data to Machine Learning Model above and get the result of Classification/Prediction using “resultKey”.

##0404. Get Time Series AR Prediction
Autoregressive Prediction processing is performed, the prediction result will be available.{resultKey}/arvalue
http method: get

Request Header parameters:

x-rapidapi-key: [your rapidapi-key]

Request Path parameters:

{resultKey}: XXXXXXXXXX

Request Query parameters Example:

startNo: StartNo of the returning prediction result
endNo: EndNo of the returning prediction result
cycleStartNo: Cycle StartNo in Learning data
cyclePeriod: Cycle period in Learning data

Response JSON Example:

-Successful case:

    "prediction": "602.1588389796664 377.20847276355715 522.4889416492103 643.8777973509401 704.8390244262325",
    "errors": null,
    "memo": "Congratulations on your success!",
    "result": true

“prediction”: the prediction result from Autoregrassive Prediction Model

##0405. Get Time Series MA Prediction
Moving Average Prediction processing is performed, the prediction result will be available.{resultKey}/mavalue
http method: get

Request Header parameters:

Content-Type: application/json
x-rapidapi-key: [your rapidapi-key]

Request Path parameters:

{resultKey}: XXXXXXXXXX

Request Query parameters Example:

startNo: StartNo of the returning prediction result
endNo: EndNo of the returning prediction result
cycleStartNo: Cycle StartNo in Learning data
cyclePeriod: Cycle period in Learning data

Response JSON Example:

-Successful case:

    "prediction": "410.4466999643289 396.56015894126733 526.93980517026 384.3023372661416 473.7013190788312",
    "errors": null,
    "memo": "Congratulations on your success!",
    "result": true

“prediction”: the prediction result from Moving Average Prediction Model

##0406. Get Time Series ARMA Prediction
Autoregressive moving average Prediction processing is performed, the prediction result will be available.{resultKey}/armavalue
http method: get

Request Header parameters:

Content-Type: application/json
x-rapidapi-key: [your rapidapi-key]

Request Path parameters:

{resultKey}: XXXXXXXXXX

Request Query parameters Example:

startNo: StartNo of the returning prediction result
endNo: EndNo of the returning prediction result
cycleStartNo: Cycle StartNo in Learning data
cyclePeriod: Cycle period in Learning data

Response JSON Example:

-Successful case:

    "prediction": "510.76274709592565 508.1944547014272 602.8320034529418 598.0258631977478 553.182548147376",
    "errors": null,
    "memo": "Congratulations on your success!",
    "result": true

“prediction”: the prediction result from Autoregressive moving average Prediction Model

##0407. Get Time Series ARIMA Prediction
Autoregressive integrated moving average Prediction processing is performed, the prediction result will be available.{resultKey}/arimavalue
http method: get

Request Header parameters:

Content-Type: application/json
x-rapidapi-key: [your rapidapi-key]

Request Path parameters:

{resultKey}: XXXXXXXXXX

Request Query parameters Example:

startNo: StartNo of the returning prediction result
endNo: EndNo of the returning prediction result
cycleStartNo: Cycle StartNo in Learning data
cyclePeriod: Cycle period in Learning data

Response JSON Example:

-Successful case:

    "prediction": "551.3244299922536 498.7922347089485 418.16953063178136 338.032322267241 251.56523292227828",
    "errors": null,
    "memo": "Congratulations on your success!",
    "result": true

“prediction”: the prediction result from Autoregressive integrated moving average Prediction Model