AddressPerfect France Streets

通过 The Factory | 已更新 hace 2 meses | Commerce
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France Address Autocomplete and Validation API


This API provides robust and efficient solutions for autocompleting and validating France postal addresses, including street names and house numbers. It’s designed to improve user experience in form completion, enhance data accuracy, and streamline address verification processes. If you’re active in E-Commerce, Retail, Logistics, Real Estate, having accurrate address data is crucial.

Our service for postal address verification and cleansing allows for effortless confirmation of the existence and deliverability of addresses. Whether your goal is to refine the addresses in your customer database or to authenticate addresses directly on your website, you can choose one or more of our automatic features.


  • Address Autocomplete: Offers real-time suggestions for postal addresses based on partial input, significantly reducing user input errors and saving time.
  • Address Validation: Validates the existence and accuracy of France street addresses, including house numbers, ensuring the reliability of the data. You get the most plausible proposals for incorrect addresses.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes an extensive database covering all regions of France.
  • Fast and Reliable: Engineered for high performance and low latency responses.
  • Easy Integration: Simple to integrate with existing systems and applications.

Getting Started


  • An active RapidAPI account.
  • API key obtained after subscribing to our service on RapidAPI.


No installation is required. This API is accessible over HTTP and can be integrated into your application or website with a few lines of code.


Autocomplete Address

Endpoint: GET /autocomplete


  • query: Partial address string input by the user.

Example Request:

GET /autocomplete?query=Lindenstrasse+Berl


Responses are a list of structured suggestions returned in JSON format.

Validate Address

Endpoint: GET /validateaddress


  • street: Full street name.
  • hnr: House number.
  • zip: Zip Code.
  • city: City Name.

Example Request:

GET /validateaddress?street=Unter den Linden&hnr=10&zip=10117&city=Berlin


Responses are returned in JSON format. A successful response will include detailed information about the address, the corrections performed or a list of suggestions.

Autocomplete City Field

Endpoint: GET /getcitylist

This endpoint is designed to offer autocomplete suggestions for city names within France. When a partial city name is input, the API returns a list of possible city names that match the query. This is particularly useful for forms and applications where users need to input a city name, ensuring accuracy and consistency in the data collected.


  • city: The partial city name input by the user.
  • zip: An optional restriction based on zipcodes.

Example Request:

GET /getcitylist?city=Frankf

Autocomplete ZipCode Field

Endpoint: GET /getziplist

The /getziplist endpoint provides autocomplete suggestions for France postal codes (ZIP codes). As the user begins to type a postal code, the API suggests possible matches, facilitating faster and error-free entry of postal code information.


  • zip: The partial postal code input by the user.
  • city: An optional filter that restricts the search in one city

Example Request:

GET /getziplist?zip=1011

Autocomplete Street Field

Endpoint: GET /getstreetlist

This endpoint facilitates the autocomplete functionality for street names. When users start typing a street name, it provides a list of matching street names, aiding in quicker and more accurate data entry. This feature is particularly beneficial in applications and services where street name accuracy is critical.


  • street: The partial street name input by the user.
  • city: The city name to which the street belongs (optional).
  • zip: The postal code associated with the street (optional).

Example Request:

GET /getstreetlist?street=Bergstra&city=Berlin

API Key & Authentication

To authenticate with the France Address Autocomplete and Validation API, you need to include your API key in every request. You can obtain your key from your RapidAPI dashboard after subscribing to our service.

The API key can than be added a header in each request:

  headers: {
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'YOUR-KEY-HERE',
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': ''

Rate Limits

This API has a rate limit to ensure fair usage and high availability for all users. Please refer to our pricing tiers on RapidAPI for more information on rate limits.

Support and Contact

For any technical issues, questions, or feedback, please contact our support team through our RapidAPI service page.

Terms of Use

By using this API, you agree to our terms of service as outlined on our RapidAPI service page.

Updates and Changes

We continuously improve our API with updates and new features. Stay informed about the latest changes by visiting our RapidAPI service page regularly.

API 创建者:
Rapid account: The Factory
The Factory
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