通过 GenderAPI | 已更新 2 months ago | Data
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Query an email address

Example Requests:

You can also query a gender using an email address containing a email address. Each response is JSON encoded. By adding localization information to your request you can increase the accuracy of the result. Our email API can extract names from email addresses and provide the appropriate gender to this respective address. This can help you to personalize your emailings with a proper salutation. For example, from the email address "", API will extract the name “Marie” and determine the correct gender, which is “female”.



    "input": {
        "email": ""
    "details": {
        "credits_used": 1,
        "duration": "12ms",
        "samples": 8961,
        "country": null,
        "first_name_sanitized": "theresa"
    "result_found": true,
    "last_name": "Miller",
    "first_name": "Theresa",
    "probability": 0.98,
    "gender": "female"