Shopify Fast Scraper

通过 Ardechoft Inc | 已更新 vor 2 Monaten | eCommerce

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Retrieve one product

Retrieving a product is the easiest, first you need to find out the url of the product, for this go on the product page online, this one for instance:

You simply copy and paste the URL from your browser than use it as the “url” get parameter when calling the API. A product URL must contain “/products/” else it isn’t a product URL and using it will not work.

const axios = require("axios");

const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  params: {url: ''},
  headers: {
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'YOUR-KEY',
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': ''

axios.request(options).then(function (response) {
}).catch(function (error) {

YOUR-KEY should be replaced with your rapid api key, you can see it when looking at the code snippet on the endpoints page.

You will get a json with the product properties.

  "product": {
    "id": 7430081183936,
    "title": "Nayah Fog Olive",
    "body_html": "The Nayah sunglasses feature the most exclusive design. Stylish, fresh and careless. This model is inspired by the 70’s but its squared shape adds them with a modern touch.",
    "vendor": "MELLER",
    "product_type": "sunglasses",
    "created_at": "2023-01-07T10:54:40+01:00",
    "handle": "nayah-fog-olive-1",
    "updated_at": "2023-04-16T20:30:31+02:00",
    "published_at": "2023-02-10T16:34:30+01:00",
    "template_suffix": null,
    "published_scope": "global",
    "tags": "2022, a_nayah, arfilter, Available online, available.deliverr, available.zeleris, available_on_marketplace, BIO, biobased, biobasedcol, biobubble, col, filter-shape-square, for her, for him, fs_round, instatryon, june, Meller0323, nayah, new in, nooutlet, polarized, PRICE49, s_n_m, s_n_w, spo-default, spo-disabled, square, stories, sunglasses, THEBRADERY0423, unavailable online store",
    "variants": [...],
    "options": [...],
    "images": [...],
    "image": {

Eventually you can get an error response that will look like the following:

  "status": 404,
  "error": true,
  "message": "Is it a valid Shopify product url? If you believe it is send an email to and we will solve the issue!"

In that case you need to make sure the url is indeed a product url from a Shopify shop. You can also remove any parameter after the product (?param=xyz). If you believe it should work and it doesn’t, feel free to open a discussion, we will happily solve the issue or give you an explanation.

While using the API you can get some errors:

  • Is it a valid Shopify product url? If you believe it is send an email to and we will solve the issue! -> Double check that the URL is indeed the url from a product.
  • It seems you are trying to access lots of products for the same store and Shopify is rate limiting us. Use the /collection or /store endpoint to get the same products with less requests. Try again in a moment. -> It means two many requests to the same shop have been made, add some delay between two calls to the API or use the /store or /collection endpoints.