App Stores

通过 Daniel Amitay | 已更新 21 दिन पहले | Tools

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apps ids

Rapid account: Alx 4329
एक वर्ष पहले

Hello, I wanted to know where can I get the ids used on the endpoints?
Only by searching by name?

Rapid account: Alx 4329
alx4329 Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Thanks for your quick answer daniel!
I asked because I built a search bar so that the user may get the app he’s looking for. But when I search an app from google store, most of the times I get an { error: ‘An unknown error occurred’ } as answer.
i.e: I tried with word ‘Instagram’ and store 'google’
Is there a way to manage this? or it will be fixed soon?

Thanks in advance

Rapid account: Danielamitay
danielamitay Commented एक वर्ष पहले

Hey alx4329,

Generally yes, the first entrypoint would be via the search endpoint, which will return apps. Then, you can save the application id in your database and use that to pull app-specific information in the future. For example, if a user in your app wanted to “save” or “favorite” a list of apps, you would save the list of app ids for the user.

If you are building a manual usecase, you can also just visit the app’s AppStore page on the web, and in the URL bar you can see the app Id.

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