通过 DevEnterprise Software | 已更新 5 days ago | Data
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  • Scrape with or without a real browser
  • Browser control commands (clicking, filling forms etc)
  • Automatic captcha solving
  • Automatic IP rotation
  • Data center, residential and Tor proxy options
  • Geotargeting to bypass region restrictions
  • Ads and web trackers automatically disabled
  • Advanced bot detection bypass techniques
  • Set custom cookies and headers
  • JSON or HTML response options
  • Webhooks/callbacks
  • Unlimited concurrency
  • Unlimited bandwidth


Request your own API key from with free credits to use the service without test key limitations.

There will be no charge for usage during the beta although we will be tracking credits and feature usage to determine where we need to focus.

When using the test API key (or no API key) you are limited to one concurrent call and fifty free calls per day with minimal queuing capabilities.

If you prefer to browse the API documentation in Swagger you can do that here:

Automatic Captcha Solving

We currently support automatically solving the following captchas:

  • reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 (click, invisible and enterprise)
  • hCaptcha (normal and invisible)
  • Cloudflare (turnstile and challenge page)

We will be adding many more based on demand and requests such as DataDome, FunCaptcha, KeyCaptcha etc.

Pricing / Credits

No credits are used for any failures that do not result in any HTML.

Feature Credits
No Browser 1
Use Browser 5
Residential Proxy 10
Data Center Proxy 5
Tor Proxy 1
Captcha Solved 30 (per captcha solved)

Pricing is not available yet as we want to determine what a fair cost model will look like as we test ScrAPI as a public service so the credits table above might change.

SDK / API Client

We currently have an official SDK for .NET developers on NuGet.
For other languages you can use Microsoft Kiota to generate SDKs until we offer a fully supported version:

# GO
kiota generate --ebc -c ScrapiClient -n Scrapi -d -o ScrapiClientGo -l go
# Java
kiota generate --ebc -c ScrapiClient -n Scrapi -d -o ScrapiClientJava -l java
kiota generate --ebc -c ScrapiClient -n Scrapi -d -o ScrapiClientPhp -l php
# Python
kiota generate --ebc -c ScrapiClient -n Scrapi -d -o ScrapiClientPython -l python
kiota generate --ebc -c ScrapiClient -n Scrapi -d -o ScrapiClientRuby -l ruby
# TypeScript
kiota generate --ebc -c ScrapiClient -n Scrapi -d -o ScrapiClientTypeScript -l typescript


We currently do not support the concept of “sessions” because of how the services are load-balanced. We’ll add this functionality soon to make it easier to perform repeated tasks without having to manage your own cookies and headers.

We do not offer an option to take a screenshot (we’ve never needed to) although this would not be difficult to add if required.

About Us

We’ve been building web scraping and data aggregation solutions for over a decade and we have a lot of experience with the challenges of web scraping at scale. We started by using existing web scraping services that had the features required but over time we had to create our own custom solutions because of limitations or lack of features in these services. These services often keep the data that you have extracted and we needed to have stronger privacy in place for our clients.

As we added more features and capabilities into various different web scraping verticals we decided to bundle them all together into a single service that we have been using ourselves internally for a few years. We believe this can be a viable option for the general public so want to put it out there and get feedback that other people have experienced and make web scraping as simple and painless as possible. We also have no interest in what the service gets used for so we do not log your data and will never sell any information you extract through the service.

API 创建者:
Rapid account: Dev Enterprise Software
DevEnterprise Software
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