Oil and Gas/ Renewable Energy News

通过 Kevin Jim | 已更新 il y a 2 mois | Energy
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Oil & Gas News API

The Oil & Gas News API provides access to news articles related to the oil and gas industry as well as renewable energy from major newspapers. This API allows developers to retrieve news articles, including their titles and URLs, from various trusted sources. It aims to facilitate easy integration of oil and gas news content into applications, websites, and other platforms.

API Features

Retrieve news articles related to the oil and gas industry and renewable energy.
Get access to article titles and URLs from major newspapers.
Filter articles based on specific keywords or topics.
Stay up to date with the latest news in the oil and gas industry.
Seamless integration into applications, websites, and platforms.

API Endpoints

Get News Articles

  • Endpoint: /news
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
  • source (optional): Filter news articles based on specific source, for example ‘telegraph’ .

Example JSON format
{ "title": "UK opts out of Danish alliance to end oil and gas", "url": "https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/cop26-uk-opts-out-of-danish-alliance-to-end-oil-and-gas-n6kqq2kl2", "source": "thetimes" }

Rate Limiting

To ensure fair usage and maintain service quality, the API enforces a soft rate limiting. The rate limits are as follows:

Free tier: 10 requests per day
Premium tier: 1000 requests per day

If the rate limit is exceeded, the API will still be functional and will not respond a 429 error code, upgrade to a premium plan to access a higher rate.


The Oil & Gas News API provides a convenient solution for accessing news articles related to the oil and gas industry and renewable energy. By integrating our API into your applications, you can keep your users informed about the latest developments in these sectors. We strive to provide reliable and up-to-date news data to support your projects and enhance user experiences. The data will be applicable for usage in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and stock investing related to the resources sector.

Get started with the Oil & Gas News API today and unlock a world of oil, gas, and renewable energy news for your applications!

API 创建者:
Rapid account: Kevin Jim
Kevin Jim
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