BMI Calculator

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TEST ENDPOINT gives wrong response

Rapid account: Belfigue
7 वर्ष पहले

Hi, clicking “TEST ENDPOINT” in the documentation gives back the following response: “The API could not understand the request. Please review your parameters before making any new attempt.” This same request over a week ago worked fine.

Rapid account: Belfigue
belfigue Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Up and running. Thank you

Rapid account: Navii
navii Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

I can confirm the issue is resolved now. Please verify from your end and close this issue.

Rapid account: Navii
navii Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

HTTP 429 Status. I see my server is limiting the number of requests from Mashape in whole and someone is abusing my Mashape API interface. I’ll look into the issue soon.

Rapid account: Belfigue
belfigue Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Same error happens when I make the request through my terminal. I need this API to be working for this weekend. Please take a closer look at it.

Rapid account: Belfigue
belfigue Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

It is still not working for me, please take a look at the following screenshot:

Rapid account: Navii
navii Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

I just tested and it’s working fine for me.

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