Rapid account: Firebese


Send Mail Serverless product card
Send Mail Serverless

Welcome to Send Mail Serverless API! This API is RESTful, fully featured, and easy to integrate with any solution Send Mail Serverless API, is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to send emails from hundreds of servers across the globe. Our API is designed to be flexible, reliable, and secure, providing you with everything you need to deliver messages to your recipients quickly and efficiently. One of our key features is support for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) encryption, which allows you to digitally sign your outgoing emails and verify their authenticity. This helps prevent spam and phishing attacks, while also increasing the trustworthiness of your messages. Our API is designed for high-volume email delivery, so you can send as many emails as you need without worrying about throttling or performance issues. We also provide detailed analytics and reporting, so you can track the delivery status of your messages and monitor your email reputation over time. Whether you're a small business sending a few hundred emails a day or a large enterprise sending millions of messages, our MailServer API is the perfect solution for your email delivery needs. Try it out today and experience the power and flexibility of our platform for yourself. How to use Minimal post data : If you want to test and send an email, use this as a minimal config in your post { "personalizations": [ { "to": [ { "email": "to@example.com", "name": "Recipient name" } ] } ], "from": { "email": "sender@example.com", "name": "Sender name" }, "subject": "Example subject", "content": [ { "type": "text/html", "value": "Hello world Html" } ] } To be sure that your email gets into recipient inbox, add your domain dkim config { "personalizations": [ { "to": [ { "email": "to@example.com", "name": "Recipient name" } ], "dkim_domain": "example.com", "dkim_selector": "default", "dkim_private_key": "Private key Encoded in Base64", "dkim_identifier": "dkim@example.com Sender Name" } ], "from": { "email": "sender@example.com", "name": "Sender name" }, "reply_to": { "email": "replyto@example.com", "name": "GoConsole Support" }, "subject": "Example subject", "content": [ { "type": "text/html", "value": "Hello world Html" }, { "type": "text/plan", "value": "Hello world Text" } ], "headers": { "List-Unsubscribe": ", " } } Send Mail Status Codes Status: 202 - Success Status: 400 - Bad Request Status: 403 - The user does not have access to this feature Status: 413 - Payload too large - The total message size should not exceed 20MB. This includes the message itself, headers, and the combined size of any attachments. Status: 500 - Internal Server Error

2,505 ms


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