Ultimate SERP Project

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Search Engine Results Scraper API

The “Search Engine Result Scraper” endpoint is a powerful tool that allows users to extract search engine results for a specific keyword from popular search engines like Google or Bing. This endpoint requires various parameters such as a valid token for authentication, the search keyword, the selected search engine (Google or Bing), location, number of pages to scrape, and the desired attributes for each search result.

Steps To Use Search Engine Results Scraper Endpoint :

  1. Go to Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) Page:
    Click to Open Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) or search Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) on RapidAPI.

  2. Select “Search Engine Results Scraper” Endpoint:
    On the Ultimate SERP Project (Google/Bing Scraper) page, locate the section for the “Search Engine Results Scraper” endpoint. This endpoint is responsible for extracting search engine results for a specific keyword from either Google or Bing.

  3. Provide Required Parameters:
    In the documentation for the “Search Engine Results Scraper” endpoint, you will see the required parameters for the request. You need to provide the following parameters in the API request:

    	* token: A valid token for authentication to access the API.
    	* keyword: The search keyword for which you want to extract search results.
    	* engine: The selected search engine (either "Google" or "Bing").
    	* location: The location for Country search results (“US”).
    	* page: The number of pages of search results to scrape.
  1. Click “Test Endpoint”:
    Locate the “Test Endpoint” button on the API documentation page, right next to the “Search Engine Results Scraper” endpoint description. Click on the button to submit the API request.

  2. Receive Search Results Details:
    Upon clicking the “Test Endpoint” button, the API will send a request to the specified search engine with the provided keyword and location. The API will extract the search results and return the following details for each result:

    	*  link: The URL link to the search result.
    	*  display_link: The displayable URL link to the search result.
    	*  title: The title of the search result.
    	*  description: The description of the search result.
    	*  rank: The rank of the search result on the page.
    	*  global_rank: The global rank of the search result across all pages.

In the updated response, each result in the “results” array now includes an “images” array that contains information about the related images found in the search result. The “images” array contains the following attributes for each image:

		* image: The URL link to the image.
		* image_alt: The title or alt text of the image.
		* image_base64: The base64-encoded image data (alternate link).
		* rank: The rank of the image search result on the page.
		* global_rank: The global rank of the image search result across all pages.

With this enhancement, the “Search Engine Result Scraper” endpoint provides a comprehensive response, including relevant information about both web search results and images associated with the provided keyword and search engine.