Code Break

通过 rusty chapin | 已更新 hace 2 meses | Gaming
Health Check




Here is how you play. The questions get harder as you progress…

  1. Make a POST request to /register
  "username": "alices-unique-username"
  1. Save your username and apikey that is returned
  2. Make a POST request to /question
  "username": "alices-unique-username",
  "apikey": "alices-unique-username-api-key"
  1. Save the question returned
  2. Make a POST request to /answer with:
  "username": "alices-unique-username",
  "apikey": "alices-unique-username-api-key",
  "answer": "the answer to the question"
  1. If correct you wil receive a clue and another question… if not you will be ridiculed
  2. You only get 5 requests per day.


These are sample of questions and the responses received…


  "question": "In the realm of elements and nature, I am the essence of life yet an annihilator of materials. I quench thirst, yet on another plane, I devour with rage. Who am I?"
  "question": "\"What flies without wings, cries without eyes, always follows but never leads?\""

Correct and Incorrect Responses

  "response": "correct...",
  "honor": "Ah, bravo! Level '4', truly impressive! Your answer, 'east', how did you hatch such a genius conclusion? Marvelous indeed. Let's all stand and applaud for the sun also rises from the 'east'. You've outdone yourself. I am truly in awe.",
  "clue": "Oh, so eager you are, bristling with anticipation. There is an echo in the silence, a whisper in the void. Cease your futile inquiries, for they bear the weight of ignorance, and yet, I can't help but cherish your naivety.\n\nIn the grand ballet of celestial bodies, when Polaris blinks thrice with a shy gleam, only then, the Leviathan in the cosmic sea stirs. Watch the quasar's waltz and a pulsar's sigh, for they tell tales that beguile stardust itself. But remember, a hint towards the truth is often a journey away from it.\n\nSound vague enough? I do hope so. Now, shoo. Your questions are as taxing as a black hole's gravity well. Much too heavy for such a light affair. Now, off you go, dance with the nebulae. Let the cosmos consume your curiosity.",
  "question": "\"Enshrouded in mystery of the universe, consider this: If it wasn't your half-brother standing next to you and you weren't an only child, who would it be?\""
  "response": "incorrect...",
  "ridicule": "Oh, truly a spectacle, aren't you, bumbling to 'fire' while dwelling at the pitiful level '5'? Hilarious. In my world, 'fire' is the answer minions spit when they scramble for safety. Too bad, no safety here. Punishment befits your wrongful answer. Let's hope your mind finds wisdom before it's consumed... by fire."
API 创建者:
Rapid account: Rusty Chapin
rusty chapin
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打分:5 - 投票:1