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通过 David | 已更新 hace 23 días | Food

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How to determine which ingredients matched a search result?

Rapid account: Nigelaclarke
hace 7 años

I’m interested in searching for recipes based on ingredients and knowing which of my ingredients are included in the resulting recipe

Currently I’m using the 'Complex Recipe Search '
I can see how many ingredients were used, and how many I’m missing:

      "usedIngredientCount": 3,
       "missedIngredientCount": 5,

I’ve also set filling ingredients to true.

Sometimes it will say there are used ingredients but not list them

      "usedIngredientCount": 2,
      "usedIngredients": [],

Other times the resulting ingredient name won’t match the name that i searched for. Technically its the correct item, but it makes it really hard for me to work with.
For example, i wanted a recipe that includes ground beef and it found a recipe which included the following information

      "name": "ground beef chuck",
      "originalString": "1 1/2 lbs ground beef chuck (80% lean)",
      "metaInformation": [
        "( )"
      "extendedName": "80% lean ground beef chuck",

I cannot compare “ground beef” == “ground beef chuck” to figure out if the recipe actually includes ground beef.

TLDR: I know the number of ingredients that matched, the name of those ingredients according to your recipe, but I am unable to determine my submitted ingredients matched. Does that make sense?

Any idea how i could work around these problems?


Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented hace 7 años

Again, sorry for the long wait. You can parse your ingredients using this endpoint which will give you the ids from our end. With those you can reliably compare with the ids returned by the search.

Also I now included an array “unusedIngredients” which lists the ingredients from your query which did NOT match any ingredients in the matched recipe.


Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented hace 7 años

Sorry for the long wait. I understood your problem and will look into it.

Rapid account: Nigelaclarke
nigelaclarke Commented hace 7 años

To add an example use case that I’m looking to solve.

The user makes a list of ingredients they want in a recipe and clicks submit

Beside their list, I want to put a green or red icon indicating whether a given recipe includes the ingredient they specified

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