
通过 Stefan Skliarov | 已更新 a month ago | Logistics

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Shippo Package

Create a shipment, get rates and generate shipping labels.

  • Domain: Shippo
  • Credentials: apiKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Shippo website
  2. Log in or create a new account
  3. Go to API page to get your API key

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Creates a new address object

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
name String Name for the address.
objectPurpose Select Purpose of the new address. Possible valuse: QUOTE or PURCHASE.
company String Company at the provided address.
street1 String Street of the address.
streetNo String Optional additional info about the address.
street2 String Optional additional info about the address.
street3 String Optional additional info about the address.
city String City of the address.
zip String Zip code of the address.
state String State of the address, if applied (otherwise leave empty).
country String ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code (ISO 2 country code).
phone String Phone of the address.
email String Email of the address.
isResidential Boolean Describes if a person is residential.
validate Boolean Describes if address requires validation.
metadata String Metadata for the address.


Retrieves list of addresses

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single address.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
addressId String Id of the address.


Validates single address.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
addressId String Id of the address.


Creates a new parcel object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
parcelLength String Length of the parcel.
parcelWidth String Width of the parcel.
parcelHeight String Height of the parcel.
measurementUnit Select Measurement units. Possible values: cm, in, ft, mm, m, yd
parcelWeight String Weight of the parcel.
weightUnit Select Measurement units. Possible values: g, oz, lb, kg
template String Template of the parcel.
metadata String EMtadata of the parcel.
extra JSON Extra data of the parcel.


Retrieves list of parcels.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves one parcel information.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
parcelId String Id of the parcels.


Creates a new shipment object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
objectPurpose Select Purpose of the new address. Possible valuse: QUOTE or PURCHASE.
addressToId String Address of the receiver
addressFromId String Address of the sender
parcelId String parcel Id
addressReturnId String Address of the return
submissionDate String Datetime of the submission
customsDeclarationId String Customs declaration Id
insuranceAmount String Insurance amount
insuranceCurrency String Currency of insurance amount. ISO 4217 Currency Code
extra JSON Extra information about the shipment
reference1 String Reference information
reference2 String Additional reference information
metadata String Metadata of the shipment
async Boolean Shipment async of not


Retrieves list of shipments.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves one shipment from the list.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
shipmentId String Id of the shipment


Retrieves list of rates for single shipment.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
shipmentId String Id of the shipment
currencyCode String Code of the currency
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves list of rates for single shipment.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
rateId String Id of the rate


Creates a new transaction object and purchases the shipping label for the provided rate.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
rateId String Id of the rate
labelFileType Select Filetypes of the label. Possible values: PNG, PDF, PDF_4X6,ZPLII
metadata String Metadata for the transaction
async Boolean Sets if transaction is async


Creates a new transaction object and purchases the shipping label for the provided rate.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
shipmentObjectPurpose Select Purpose of the new address. Possible valuse: QUOTE or PURCHASE.
shipmentAddressToId String Address of the receiver
shipmentAddressFromId String Address of the sender
parcelId String Id of the parcel
serviceLevelToken String Specific rates when purchasing shipping label. Possible values are described at this page:
carrierAccount String Carrier accounts are used as credentials to retrieve shipping rates and purchase labels from a shipping provider.
labelFileType Select Filetypes of the label. Possible values: PNG, PDF, PDF_4X6,ZPLII
metadata String Metadata for the transaction


Retrieves list of transactions.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single transaction from the list of transactions.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
transactionId String Id of the transaction


Creates a new Customs Item object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
itemDescription String Description of the item
itemQuantity Number Quantity of the item
itemNetWeight String Net weight of the item
itemWeightMeasurementUnit Select Measurement units. Possible values: g, oz, lb, kg
itemValue String Value of the item
itemValueCurrency String ISO 4217 Currency Code
itemOriginCountry String ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code (ISO 2 country code)
itemTariffNumber String Number of item tariff
metadata String Item metadata


Retrieves list of customs items.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single customs item from the list of customs items.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
customsItemId String Id of the customs item


Createsnew customs declaration

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
declarationCertifySigner String Certify signer
certify Boolean Sets certify
declarationItems List Ids of items icluded in declaration
declarationNonDeliveryOption Select Options is case of non delivery. Possible values: ABANDON OR RETURN
declarationContentsType Select Type of items. Possible values: DOCUMENTS, GIFT, SAMPLE, MERCHANDISE, HUMANITARIAN, DONATION, RETURN, OTHER
declarationContentsExplanation String Explanatin of items content. Required only if declarationContentsType is OTHER
declarationExporterReference String Reference of the exporter.
declarationImporterReference String Reference of the importer.
declarationInvoice String Invoice for the declaration.
declarationLicense String License for the declaration.
declarationCertificate String Certificate for the declaration.
declarationNotes String Notes for the declaration.
declarationEelPfc Select Possible values: ‘NOEEI_30_37_a’, ‘NOEEI_30_37_h’, ‘NOEEI_30_36’, ‘AES_ITN’
declarationAesItn String required if declarationEelPfc is ‘AES_ITN’
declarationIncoterm Select Possible values: ‘DDP’, ‘DDU’, ‘CPT’, ‘CIP’
declarationMetadata String Metadata of the declaration


Retrieves list of customs declarations.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single declaration from the list of customs declarations.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
declarationId String Id of the customs declaration.


Creates new refund object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
transactionId String Id of the transaction for refund.


Retrieves list of refunds.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single refund from the list of refunds.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
refundId String Id of the refund.


Creates new carrier account object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
carrierName String Name of the carrier. You can find list of carriers at this page -
carrierAccountId String Unique identifier of the account. You can find list of carriers at this page -
carrierParameters JSON Additional parameters for the account, such as e.g. password or token. You can find list of carriers at this page -
carrierAccountActive Boolean Determines whether the account is enabled. Default is enabled.


Updates existing carrier account object. carrierName and carrierAccountId can’t be updated, because they form the unique identifier together.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
carrierAccountObjectId String Object account id to update.
carrierParameters JSON Additional parameters for the account, such as e.g. password or token. You can find list of carriers at this page -
carrierAccountActive Boolean Determines whether the account is enabled. Default is enabled.


Retrieves list of carrier accounts.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single accout object from the list of carrier accounts.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
carrierAccountObjectId String Object account id to get.


Creates new manifest object.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
carrierAccountObjectId String Id of the carrier account for this manifest.
manifestSubmissionDate String Datetime of manifest submission.
addressFromId String Id of sender address.
transactions List Transactions for this manifest.
async Boolean Async or not.


Retrieves list of manifests.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
pageNumber Number Number of the results page


Retrieves single manifest from the list of manifests.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
manifestId String Id of the manifest.


Retrieves status for the tracking number.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
carrierName String Name of the carrier for the current tracking
trackingId String Id of the tracking


Registers your webhook for a shipment

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials The api key obtained from Shippo.
carrierName String Name of the carrier for the current tracking
trackingId String Id of the tracking
API 创建者:
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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