
通过 Stefan Skliarov | 已更新 12 days ago | Sports
Health Check



Strava Package

Strava is the social network for athletes. We’re a global community of millions of runners, cyclists and triathletes, united by the camaraderie of sport.

  • Domain: Strava
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Browse to Strava
  2. Register or log in
  3. Go to API page to get your clientId and clientSecret

Webhook credentials

You can use our service as webhookUrl:{projectName}/{projectKey} * see credentials description below
You can add a webhook link at the Dashboard Notifications

Please use SDK to test this feature.

  1. Go to RapidAPI
  2. Log in or create an account
  3. Go to My apps
  4. Add new project with projectName to get your project Key
Field Type Description
projectName credentials
projectKey credentials

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get access token

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client id from Strava
clientSecret credentials Client secret from Strava
code String Code provided by user


Revoke access token

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava


List athlete’s friends

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


List athlete’s followers

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


This request is used to retrieve information about the currently authenticated athlete.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava


This request is used to retrieve information about any athlete on Strava.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
athleteId String Id of the Strava athlete


Update current athlete’s information on Strava.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
city String Athlete’s city
state String Athlete’s state
country String Athlete’s country
sex Select Athlete’s sex
weight String Athlete’s weight


Returns the heart rate and power zones of the requesting athlete.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava


Returns recent (last 4 weeks), year to date and all time stats for a given athlete.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
athleteId String Id of the Strava athlete. Must match the authenticated athlete


Returns an array of segment efforts representing Overall KOMs/QOMs and course records held by the given athlete. Yearly KOMs are not included.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
athleteId String Id of the Strava athlete
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


The number of comments is included in the activity summary and detail responses.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


A kudos is Strava’s version of a ‘Like’ or a ‘+1’. The number of kudos on an activity is returned with the activity summary.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


The number of photos is included in the activity summary and detail responses. Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of photos associated with this activity. This endpoint can only be accessed by the owner of the activity.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


Create new activity

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityName String Name of the Strava activity
activityType Select Type of the Strava activity
startDate DatePicker Start date of the Strava activity
elapsedTime Number Elapsed time in seconds of the Strava activity
description String Description of the Strava activity
distance Number Distance of the Strava activity
private Boolean Whether this is private activity
trainer Boolean Whether this is trainer activity
commute Boolean Set to true to mark as commute.


Returns a detailed representation if the activity is owned by the requesting athlete.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity
includeAllEfforts Boolean Used to include all segment efforts in the Result


Update existing activity

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity
activityName String Name of the Strava activity
activityType Select Type of the Strava activity
description String Description of the Strava activity
gearId String Gear ID of the Strava activity
private Boolean Whether this is private activity
trainer Boolean Whether this is trainer activity


This endpoint returns a list of activities for the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
before DatePicker Result will start with activities whose startDate is before this value
after DatePicker Result will start with activities whose startDate is after this value
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


Heartrate and power zones are set by the athlete. This endpoint returns the time (seconds) in each zone.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity


This resource will return all laps for an activity. Laps are triggered by athletes using their respective devices, such as Garmin watches.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity


Retrieve group event

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
groupEventId String Id of the Strava group event


Returns an array of club group event summary representations ordered by occurrence time.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club
upcoming String Only include future events if true


Join group event

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
groupEventId String Id of the Strava group event


Leave group event

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
groupEventId String Id of the Strava group event


Delete group event

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
groupEventId String Id of the Strava group event


Retrieve summary information about athletes joined a specific group event, or the upcoming occurrence for recurring events.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
groupEventId String Id of the Strava group event
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


Retrieve details about a specific club.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club


Fetch an array of clubs that the currently authenticated athlete is a member of.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava


Retrieve summary information about members of a specific club.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


Retrieve summary information about admins of a specific club.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


Retrieve summary information about activities of a specific club.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return
before DatePicker Result will start with activities whose startDate is before this value


Join a club on behalf of the authenticated athlete. If the club is private the join will need to be approved by a club admin unless the authenticated athlete had previously been invited to the club.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club


Leave a club on behalf of the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
clubId String Id of the Strava club


Retrieve details about a specific item of gear. The requesting athlete must own the gear. At this time it is not possible to view just anyone’s gear type and usage.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
gearId String Id of the Strava gear


Retrieve details about a specific item of gear. The requesting athlete must own the gear. At this time it is not possible to view just anyone’s gear type and usage.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
routeId String Id of the Strava route


Lists a specific athlete’s routes. Private routes will only be included if the authenticating user is viewing their own routes and the token has view_private permissions.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
athleteId String Id of the Strava athlete
after DatePicker Result will start with activities whose startDate is after this value
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return
type Select Route type


This request is used to retrieve a list of races occurring in a year, ordered by occurrence date from oldest to most recent.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
year Number Defaults to the current year


This request is used to retrieve details about a running race.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
raceId String Id of the Strava race


This request is used to retrieve details about a single segment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
segmentId String Id of the Strava segment


Returns a summary representation of the segments starred by the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


This request is used to star single segment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
segmentId String Id of the Strava segment


This request is used to unstar single segment

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
segmentId String Id of the Strava segment


Retrieve an array of segment efforts, for a given segment, filtered by athlete and/or a date range.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
segmentId String Id of the Strava segment
athleteId String Id of the Strava athlete
startDate DatePicker Date range filtering is accomplished using an inclusive start and end time, thus startDate and endDate must be sent together.
endDate DatePicker Date range filtering is accomplished using an inclusive start and end time, thus startDate and endDate must be sent together.
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return


Leaderboards represent the ranking of athletes on specific segments.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
segmentId String Id of the Strava segment
ageGroup Select Age group of athletes
weightClass Select Weight class of athletes in kg
following Boolean Include athletes which are followed
clubId String Id of the Strava club
dateRange Select Date range of results
contextEntries Number Default is 2, max of 15
page Number Number of the page to return
perPage Number Number of items per page to return
gender Select Gender.Male or Female.


This endpoint can be used to find popular segments within a given area.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
swCoordinates Map South west corner coordinates of the area
neCoordinates Map North east corner coordinates of the area
activityType Select Type of activity. Default is riding
minCategory Number Minimum climb category filter
maxCategory Number Maximum climb category filter


Retrieve details about a specific segment effort. The effort must be public or it must correspond to the current athlete.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityId String Id of the Strava activity
types List :List of types, if the activity does not have that stream it will not be included in the response
resolution Select Default is all, indicates desired number of data points, streams will only be down sampled
seriesType Select Relevant only if using resolution, used to index the streams if the stream is being reduced


This resource returns a subset of the activity streams that correspond to segment. Only distance, altitude and latlng stream types are available.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
segmentId String Id of the Strava segment
types List :List of types, if the activity does not have that stream it will not be included in the response
resolution Select Default is all, indicates desired number of data points, streams will only be down sampled
seriesType Select Relevant only if using resolution, used to index the streams if the stream is being reduced


This resource returns a subset of the activity streams that correspond to route. Distance, altitude and latlng stream types are always returned.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
routeId String Id of the Strava route


Posting a file for upload will enqueue it for processing. Initial checks will be done for malformed data and duplicates.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
activityFile File The actual activity data, if gzipped the data_type must end with .gz
dataType Select Data type of the file
activityType Select Type of the Strava activity
name String Activity name. If not provided, will be populated using start date and location, if available
description String Activity description.
private Boolean Whether this is private activity
trainer Boolean Whether this is trainer activity. activities without lat/lng info in the file are auto marked as stationary, set to true to force
externalId String Data filename will be used by default but should be a unique identifie
commute Boolean Set to true to mark as commute.


Upon upload, Strava will respond with an upload ID. You may use this ID to poll the status of your upload.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token provided received from Strava
uploadId String Id of the upload


Add new webhook

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client id from Strava
clientSecret credentials Client secret from Strava
objectType String Must match one of the supported object types. E.g. : activity
aspectType String Must match one of the supported aspect types. E.g.: create
webhookUrl String You can use our service as webhookUrl.{projectName}/{projectKey}. See details above
verifyToken String User state specified by the user


This request is used to retrieve the summary representations of the push subscriptions in place for the current application.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client id from Strava
clientSecret credentials Client secret from Strava


Delete existing webhook

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client id from Strava
clientSecret credentials Client secret from Strava
webhookId String Id of the webhook
API 创建者:
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
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