Instagram Bulk Profile Scrapper

通过 Social Api | 已更新 2 месяца назад | Social

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Lock the number of requests per day to not make additional requests

Rapid account: Igortheodoro
3 года назад

I am very interested in subscribing to your API. But I want a hard limit for requests, I want that when pass the daily limit, don’t accept requests anymore. Is it possible to create such a plan?

Rapid account: Igortheodoro
igortheodoro Commented 3 года назад

OK thank you. I will already sign this custom plan.

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 3 года назад

Hello Igor, Sorry for the delay.

I have invited you on Custom Plan

Rapid account: Igortheodoro
igortheodoro Commented 3 года назад

The option to look at the header and limit it as requests will not actually work the way I need it. I need hard limit to request the Ultra plan endpoints, can you make a custom plan for me?

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 3 года назад

Another solution is using x-ratelimit-request-remaining Response Header, This header change on every request, so you can watch it for sending next request

Rapid account: Thekirtan
thekirtan Commented 3 года назад

Yes possible, I can create custom plan for you, let me know which plan you are talking

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