Hotels com Provider

通过 Tipsters CO | 已更新 месяц назад | Travel

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Planning to subscribe the API

Rapid account: Cnone
3 года назад
Hello, I am planning to subscribe to the API but I wonder are all results same with all hotels or not? 

I mean X hotel has 150 titles for amentities etc and Y hotel has 100 or are all same?

Thank you!
Rapid account: Cnone
cnone Commented 3 года назад

I wanted to compare if I reach all destinations or not but, we made it now, thanks for the fast response! 😃

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 3 года назад

I can help if you can explain in more detail what you are trying to achieve 😃

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 3 года назад

To search for an identifier, you must use @Search destinations or locations by query

Rapid account: Cnone
cnone Commented 3 года назад

Cool thanks!

How can I list all available destination IDs?
How can I know how many destination IDs available?

Thank you.

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 3 года назад

Hello, all results same.
We provide all the results that are available on the Hotels provider
Thank you

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