Shazam Core

通过 Tipsters CO | 已更新 vor 8 Tagen | Music

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React App displays white screen

Rapid account: Ben Hilfinger
vor einem Jahr

with my current API key I am getting back a blank screen about 95% of the time. Any suggestions?

Rapid account: Elijahnelsonne
elijahnelsonne Commented vor 9 Monaten

Verify the content type of the API response. The API may be returning data in a different format (e.g., JSON, XML) than what you are expecting. Ensure you are extracting and parsing the response content correctly.
Immaculate Grid

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented vor einem Jahr

Api works. I don’t understand what your problem is. I don’t think it has anything to do with the api.

Rapid account: Ben Hilfinger
BenHilfinger Commented vor einem Jahr

There ain’t nothing wrong with the code because it was working, just the API

Rapid account: Ben Hilfinger
BenHilfinger Commented vor einem Jahr

Yeah sure I’ll elaborate: this API doesn’t work, should I try running my app on a computer that isn’t a mac?

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented vor einem Jahr

Hi. I can’t guess what you’re talking about.
Can you elaborate on the problem.
A full description of the problem is 90% of a good answer and solution.

Send me an example of your query and the parameters of the query
You must contact me or

Regards. Tipsters.

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