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Getting Started with Predictive Discovery Endpoint to Retrieve Information about a Device

Utilize Device Fingerprinting Techniques to Uniquely Identify Devices, Monitor Network, Grant Access, Raise Alerts, and Many More Use Cases

The Predictive Discovery Endpoint utilizes device fingerprinting techniques to retrieve information about a device , such as type, brand, and model , with varying degrees of confidence using different types of signatures such as SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol), TCP/IP mDNS, and MAC Address. The input to this API is a ueiRC and an inputJSON. The inputJSON provides the data needed for QuickSet Cloud to identify all characteristics of a device.

Generating inputJSON for Predictive Discovery Endpoint

The inputJSON provides the data needed for QuickSet Cloud to identify all characteristics of a device using SSDP, mDNS or MAC signatures.

Required Elements:

The following elements are required:

  • Devices
  • Signatures
  • FormatVersion - Refers to the Predictive Engine Format Version. Currently the only value supported is 1

Note that depending on the signature passed in, the value of signatures will be different. The following signature types are currently available :

  • SSDP
  • mDNS
  • MAC

The following examples will show how to format the inputJSON depending on whether the SSDP, mDNS or MAC type is chosen.

Creating an SSDP Signature inputJSON

The SSDP information is a Base64-encoded string of the device description XML, retrieved from the device over the network. This requires searching for available devices and services by multicasting an SSDP M_SEARCH message using an HTTP multicast over UDP request and must be converted to a Base64 encoded string prior to passing it as a parameter.

Please Note: The Base64 encoding for SSDP is only required for the general Predictive Discovery endpoint, not for the Predictive Discovery SSDP endpoint. When utilizing the Predictive Discovery SSDP endpoint, you can provide the unencoded SSDP device description in the body of the request.

Example SSDP inputJSON:

Creating an mDNS Signature inputJSON

You can use the mDNS Signature to pass in the ’ServiceNames’ and/or ’HostNames’ of a device advertised by the device (see below for example of Apple TV).

      'Apple TV._airplay._tcp.local',
      'C869CD6720CF@Apple TV._raop._tcp.local',
      'Apple TV._mediaremotetv._tcp.local',
      '70-35-63-60.1 Apple TV._sleep-proxy._udp.local'

After forming your mDNS Signature, you can add the signature to your inputJSON object. Here is an example inputJSON using mDNS:

                      'Apple TV._airplay._tcp.local',
                      'C869CD6720CF@Apple TV._raop._tcp.local',
                      'Apple TV._mediaremotetv._tcp.local',
                      '70-35-63-60.1 Apple TV._sleep-proxy._udp.local'

Creating a MAC Address Signature inputJSON

The MAC Signature can be used to pass in MAC address and MAC type of a device. The MAC type refers to the source of the MAC address. Currently the only MACType available is MAC_IP_WLAN for Wi-Fi.

The following is an example of a MAC address signature for an Apple TV:

    'MACAddress': 'd8-61-62-02-A8-77',
    'MACType': 'MAC_IP_WLAN',
    'FormatVersion': '1'

After forming your MAC Signature, you can add the signature to your inputJSON object. Here is an example inputJSON using MAC:

                    'MACAddress': 'd8-61-62-02-A8-77',
                    'MACType': 'MAC_IP_WLAN',
                    'FormatVersion': '1'

Optional Elements

It is possible to pass in additional options to refine the predicted results. These include:

  • PredictiveOptions
    • OnlyUseAttributes
    • ExcludeAttributes
    • RequestAttributes
    • FormatVersion
  • Devices
    • DeviceID
    • Signatures - Required
    • DefiniteAttributes
    • Attributes
    • FormatVersion
    • PotentialAttributes
    • PredictiveOptions
    • FormatVersion
  • FormatVersion -Required

PredictiveOptions - lists out options governing Predictive Discovery for this Device.

  • OnlyUseAttributes - The specific list of Metadata Attributes that can returned by Predictive Discovery. If empty then all Metadata Attributes are valid.
  • ExcludeAttributes - The specific list of Metadata attributes to be omitted by Predictive Discovery. If empty then all Metadata Attributes are valid.
  • RequestAttributes - A list of Metadata Attributes specifically requested to be returned by Predictive Discovery if possible
  • FormatVersion - Format of the engine - You can currently pass in 1 as the only format

Devices - Within the device object, in addition to the signature that is passing in, the user has the choice of passing in the following information:

  • DeviceID - Refers to a device Identifier. It is possible to pass in multiple signatures for the same device and multiple devices with multiple signatures associated with them.
  • Signatures - Required
  • DefiniteAttributes - This element can be used to pass in any additional metadata that the client knows about such as geo information.
    • Attributes - List of known attributes that the client wishes to pass in. This can be the geo information, or known brand ,or any other information that the client has. In the case that the client wishes to pass in geo information; this data should be passed in as country and region
      • Region -
        Note that leaving Region empty or passing ** represents all regions. Other region codes include:
        AS - Asia
        EU - Europe
        LA - Latin America
        ME - Middle East
        NA - North America
        OC - Oceania
        AF - Africa
      • Country-
        Country code (Alpha-2 country code ISO 3166). ex: US for USA). Leaving empty or passing in ** represents all countries
    • FormatVersion
  • PotentialAttributes
  • PredictiveOptions - Predictive Options can be defined at the device level in addition to the top API level. Default value is Null indicating all available options.
  • FormatVersion

inputJSON Example - Including all optional elements with default value


PredictiveDiscoveryResult Status Codes

PredictiveDiscoveryResult Status Code Status Message
0 Success
1 Data Service Failure
3 No data available for product
10 Incorrect authentication parameters
11 Incorrect registration code
12 Project ID has not been configured
13 Authorization access denied
14 Authorization access denied (privilege level)
15 Authorization access denied (quota exceeded)
20 The language is not available
21 The region is not available
22 Plugin is not available
23 Configuration error
30 Invalid parameter values
40 Threshold too low
PredictiveDiscoveryResult Status Code Status Message
0 Success
1 Data Service Failure
3 No data available for product
10 Incorrect authentication parameters
11 Incorrect registration code
12 Project ID has not been configured
13 Authorization aces denied
14 Authorization access denied (privilege level)
15 Authorization access denied (quota exceeded)
20 The language is not available
21 The region is not available
22 Plugin is not available
23 Configuration error
30 Invalid parameter values
40 Threshold too low
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