Rapid account: Eric Mörth

Eric Mörth / Futurenovation

I am a PhD student of multimodal medical visualization in Bergen. My main focus is the research in new and innovative ways to visualize and explore medical data, e.g. MRI data to enable doctors to have a better view at their data. In my freetime I enjoy f

Body Calculator product card
Body Calculator

The ultimate bodyfat percante app using well known skinfold methods by Lohman, Jackson & Pollok and by the National Health Center of America. The best way to measure the skinfolds is by using a caliper and if someone would assist you while you do your measurements. Three Skinfold Measurement: Shoulder Skinfold: Right under the shoulderblade Trizeps Skinfold: Between the Shoulder and the Elbow on the Trizeps Belly Skinfold: Approximatelly 2 centimeters beside the belly button vertically measured T.G. Lohman: Skinfolds and body density and their relation to body fatness: a review. In: Human Biologie. Mai 1981, S. 181–255 Four Skinfold Measurement: Shoulder Skinfold: Right under the shoulderblade Chest Skinfold: Between the armpit and the nipple along the chest muscle Armpit Skinfold: Right under the armpit vertically Belly Skinfold: Approximatelly 2 centimeters beside the belly button vertically measured National Health Center of America (NHCA) Seven Skinfold Method: Shoulder Skinfold: Right under the shoulderblade Chest Skinfold: Between the armpit and the nipple along the chest muscle Armpit Skinfold: Right under the armpit vertically Belly Skinfold: Approximatelly 2 centimeters beside the belly button vertically measured Trizeps Skinfold: Between the Shoulder and the Elbow on the Trizeps Waist Skinfold: In the middle between the last riba and the hip bode in a 30 degrees angle Tigh Skinfold: 10 centimeters above the knee cap vertically measured Jackson, Pollock: Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. In: British Journal of Nutrition. Nr. 40, Oktober 1978, S. 497–504 Jackson, Pollock, Ward: Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. In: Medicin and Science in Sports and Exercise. Nr. 12(3), 1980, S. 175–182


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