
通过 Volodimir Kudriachenko | 已更新 8 days ago | Gaming

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Health Check



DiscordBot Package


  • Domain: DiscordBot
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret, accessToken

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Discord website
  2. Log in or create a new account
  3. Register an app
  4. After creation your app you will see Client ID and Client Secret
  5. “Create A Bot User” for your application and provide this bot proper privileges
  6. Get Bot access token from you Application page

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get access token

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client Id obtained from Discord
clientSecret credentials Client secret obtained from Discord
code String Code provided by the user
redirectUri String Redirect uri for your application


Returns the bot’s OAuth2 application info.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord


Guild channels represent an isolated set of users and messages within a Guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel


Update a channels settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
channelName String 2-100 character channel name
channelPosition Number The position of the channel in the left-hand listing
channelTopic String 0-1024 character channel topic
channelBitrate Number The bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel; 8000 to 96000 (128000 for VIP servers)
channelUserLimit Number The user limit of the voice channel; 0 refers to no limit, 1 to 99 refers to a user limit


Delete a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel


Returns the messages for a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
aroundId Number Get messages around this message ID
beforeId Number Get messages before this message ID
afterId Number Get messages after this message ID
limit Number Max number of messages to return (1-100)


Returns the message from a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message


Create a reaction for the message.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message
emoji String Emoji


Delete a reaction the current user has made for the message.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message
emoji String Emoji


Get a list of users that reacted with this emoji.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message
emoji String Emoji


Delete a reaction the user with provided userId has made for the message.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message
emoji String Emoji
userId Number Id of the user


Delete all reactions for the message.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message


Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel


Create a new invite object for the channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
maxAge Number Duration of invite in seconds before expiry, or 0 for never
maxUses Number Max number of uses or 0 for unlimited
temporary Boolean Whether this invite only grants temporary membership. Default: false
unique Boolean If true, don’t try to reuse a similar invite (useful for creating many unique one time use invites) Default: false


Edit the channel permission overwrites for a user in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
userId Number Id of the user
allow Number The bitwise value of all allowed permissions
deny Number The bitwise value of all disallowed permissions


Edit the channel permission overwrites for a role in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
roleId Number Id of the role
allow Number The bitwise value of all allowed permissions
deny Number The bitwise value of all disallowed permissions


Delete the channel permission overwrites for a user in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
userId Number Id of the user


Delete the channel permission overwrites for a role in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
roleId Number Id of the role


Post a typing indicator for the specified channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel


Pin a message in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message in channel


Get pinned messages in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel


Delete a pinned message in a channel.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the guild channel
messageId Number Id of the message in channel


Create a new guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildName String Name of the guild (2-100 characters)
guildRegion String {voice_region.id} for voice
guildIcon File jpeg image for the guild icon
guildVerificationLevel Number Guild verification level
guildDefaultMessageNotifications Number Default message notifications setting
guildRoles Array New guild roles
guildChannels Array New guild’s channels


Returns the new guild object for the given id.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Updating existing guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
guildName String Name of the guild (2-100 characters)
guildRegion String {voice_region.id} for voice
guildIcon File jpeg image for the guild icon
guildVerificationLevel Number Guild verification level
guildDefaultMessageNotifications Number Default message notifications setting
guildAfkTimeout Number Afk timeout in seconds
guildAfkChannelId String Id for afk channel
guildSplash File 128x128 jpeg image for the guild splash (VIP only)


Returns a list of guild channel objects.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns a list of guild channel objects.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
channelName String Channel name (2-100 characters)
channelType String voice or text(default)
voiceChannelBitrate Number The bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel (voice only)
voiceChannelUserLimit Number The user limit of the voice channel (voice only)
channelPermissionsOverwrite List The channel’s permission overwrites


Modify the positions of a set of channel objects for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
channelId Number Id of the channel
positionNumber Number Sorting position of the channel


Returns a list of guild member objects that are members of the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns a guild member object for the specified user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user


Modify attributes of a guild member.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user
memberNick String Value to set users nickname to
memberRoles List Array of roles the member is assigned
mute Boolean If the user is muted
deaf Boolean If the user is deafened
moveToChannelId String Id of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice)


Adds a role to a guild member.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user
roleId Number Id of the role


Returns a list of role objects for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


removes added role to a guild member.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user
roleId Number Id of the role


Create a new role for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
roleName String Name of the role
rolePermissions Number Bitwise of the enabled/disabled permissions
roleColor Number RGB color value
hoist Boolean Whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar
mentionable Boolean Whether the role should be mentionable


Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
roleId Number Id of the role
rolePosition Number sorting position of the role


Update existing role for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
roleId Number Id of the role
roleName String Name of the role
rolePermissions Number Bitwise of the enabled/disabled permissions
roleColor Number RGB color value
hoist Boolean Whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar
mentionable Boolean Whether the role should be mentionable


Returns a list of user objects that are banned from this guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the banned user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user
deleteMessageDays Number Number of days to delete messages for (0-7)


Remove a guild ban of the banned user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user


Delete a guild role.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
roleId Number Id of the role


Delete a guild permanently. User must be owner.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns an object with one ‘pruned’ key indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
countDays Number Number of days to count prune for (1 or more)


Begin a prune operation.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
countDays Number Number of days to prune (1 or more)


Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns a list of integration objects for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Attach an integration object from the current user to the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
integrationType String The integration type
integrationId Number Id of the integration.


Modify the behavior and settings of a integration object for the guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
integrationId Number Id of the integration.
expireBehavior Number The behavior when an integration subscription lapses
expireGracePeriod Number Period (in seconds) where the integration will ignore lapsed subscriptions
enableEmoticons Boolean Whether emoticons should be synced for this integration (twitch only currently)


Sync an integration.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
integrationId Number Id of the integration.


Delete an integration.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
integrationId Number Id of the integration.


Returns the guild embed object.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns the invite object.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
inviteCode String Code of the invite


Delete the invite.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
inviteCode String Code of the invite


Returns the user object of the requester’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord


Returns a user for a given user ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
userId Number Id of the user


Returns the user object of the requester’s account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
username String New username
avatar File JPEG avatar image


Returns a list of user guild objects the current user is a member of.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
beforeId Number Get guilds before this guild ID
afterId Number Get guilds after this guild ID
limit Number Max number of guilds to return (1-100)


Leave a guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns a list of DM channel objects.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord


Create a new DM channel with a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
recipientId Number Id of the recipient


Create a new DM channel with a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
accessTokens List Access tokens of users that have granted your app the gdm.join scope
nicks JSON Dictionary of user ids to their respective nicknames


Returns a list of connection objects.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord


Returns an array of voice region objects that can be used when creating servers.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord


Create a new webhook.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the channel
webhookName String Name of the webhook (2-100 characters)
webhookAvatar File 128x128 jpeg image for the default webhook avatar


Returns a list of channel webhook objects.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the channel


Returns a list of guild webhook objects.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild


Returns the new webhook object for the given id.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
webhookId Number Id of the webhook


Same as above, except this call does not require authentication and returns no user in the webhook object.

Field Type Description
webhookToken String Token of the webhook
webhookId Number Id of the webhook


Update a webhook.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
webhookId Number Id of the webhook
webhookName String Name of the webhook (2-100 characters)
webhookAvatar File 128x128 jpeg image for the default webhook avatar


Update a webhook.

Field Type Description
webhookToken String Access token for ywebhook
webhookId Number Id of the webhook
webhookName String Name of the webhook (2-100 characters)
webhookAvatar File 128x128 jpeg image for the default webhook avatar


Delete a webhook.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
webhookId Number Id of the webhook


Delete a webhook.

Field Type Description
webhookToken String Access token for webhook
webhookId Number Id of the webhook


Execute a webhook with text content

Field Type Description
webhookToken String Access token for webhook
webhookId Number Id of the webhook
content String The message contents (up to 2000 characters)
webhookUsername String Override the default username of the webhook
webhookAvatarUrl String Override the default avatar of the webhook
tts Boolean true if this is a TTS message


Execute a webhook with ebmed content

Field Type Description
webhookToken String Access token for webhook
webhookId Number Id of the webhook
embed List Array of embed objects
webhookUsername String Override the default username of the webhook
webhookAvatarUrl String Override the default avatar of the webhook
tts Boolean true if this is a TTS message


Execute a webhook with file content

Field Type Description
webhookToken String Access token for webhook
webhookId Number Id of the webhook
file File File
webhookUsername String Override the default username of the webhook
webhookAvatarUrl String Override the default avatar of the webhook
tts Boolean true if this is a TTS message


Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
userToken String access token of a user that has granted your app the gdm.join scope
channelId Number Id of the Group DM channel
userId Number Id of the user
userNick String Nickname of the user being added


Remove a recipient from a Group DM

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the Group DM channel
userId Number Id of the user


Adds a user to the guild, provided you have a valid oauth2 access token for the user with the guilds.join scope.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user
userToken String An oauth2 access token granted with the guilds.join to the bot’s application for the user you want to add to the guild


Remove a member from a guild.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
guildId Number Id of the guild
userId Number Id of the user


Delete a message.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the channel
messageId Number Id of the message


Delete multiple messages in a single request.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Access token for your bot received from Discord
channelId Number Id of the channel
messageIds List Ids of the messages
API 创建者:
Rapid account: Volodimir Kudriachenko
Volodimir Kudriachenko
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