
通过 Igor Zakutynsky | 已更新 7日前 | Text Analysis
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MonkeyLearn Package

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign in
  2. Navigate to My Account->Api Keys
  3. Generate API token

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


This endpoint allows you to perform the classification of many text samples using only one request to a custom or public module.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
classifierId String ID of the classifier. Example: cl_5icAVzKR
text String The text that you want to classify
sandbox Boolean Set this parameter to true if you want to use the sandbox to perform the classification.
debug Boolean Set this parameter to true if you want to use the debug output.y


This endpoint allows you to perform the classification of many text samples using only one request to a custom or public module that you have already installed. In order for this endpoint to work, the module has to be set as a Multilabel Module.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
classifierId String ID of the classifier
textList List Type: Array. List of the texts which you want to classify. Example: ['First text to classify','Second text to classify']
sandbox Boolean Set this parameter to true if you want to use the sandbox to perform the classification.
debug Boolean Set this parameter to true if you want to use the debug output.y


This endpoint returns the classifier and it’s sandbox categories attributes.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn


This endpoint returns the classifier and it’s sandbox categories attributes.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
classifierId String ID of the classifier


This endpoint creates a new category on the tree. You have to select a name and a parent category.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
projectId String ID of the project
name String Category name
parentId String ID of parent category


This endpoint edits a category from the tree on a classifier.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
projectId String ID of the project
categoryId String ID of category
name String Category name
parentId String ID of parent category


This endpoint deletes a category from the tree. This action cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
projectId String ID of the project
categoryId String Category id
samplesStrategy Select Parameter can have 2 values: move-to-parent or move-to. If you select move-to then also have to set the samples-category-id paremeter with the id of the category where you want to move the samples.
samplesCategoryId String Category id


This endpoints allows you to upload samples to the categories.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
projectId String ID of the project
samples String A list of dictionaries with the sample text (text property) and the ID of the category that sample should be saved (category_id property). The category IDs can be retrived using the classifier detail endpoint. Example: [{"text":"Example sample test 1 to category","category_id":17145562}]


This endpoints allows you to upload samples to one or more categories.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
projectId String ID of the project
samples String A list of dictionaries with the sample text (text property) and the ID of the category that sample should be saved (category_id property). The category IDs can be retrived using the classifier detail endpoint. Example: [{"text":"Example sample asdasdasdtest asdasd1 to category","category_id":[17145562]}]


This endpoint allows you to train a classifier.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
classifierId String ID of the classifier


This endpoint allows you to deploy the current sandbox classifier as the live classifier. Note that the old live classifier will be overwritten.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
classifierId String ID of the classifier


This endpoint creates a new classifier.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
name String Classifier name
description String Classifier description
trainState Select Train state. TRAINED or UNTRAINED
language String This setting should match the language in your samples. Default: en
ngramRange String N-gram range sets if features to be used to characterize texts will be Unigrams, Bigrams or Trigrams. Example: 1-1
useStemmer Boolean This setting sets if words should be stemmed. The stemming process transforms words into their root form, so inflected and derived words are grouped together. Default: true
stopWords String Stopwords are words that usually do not contribute as classification features. Example: soft,it
maxFeatures Number This sets the maximum number of features to be used to characterize texts in the training/classification process.
stripStopwords Boolean Strip stopwords
isMultilabel Boolean Define if the module is single-label (default) or multi-label. You can only set this option when you first create the module and you cannot change it later.
normalizeWeights Boolean Weights normalize
classifier String Use this setting to choose which classification algorithm you want to use for this classifier.


This endpoint deletes a classifier. This action cannot be undone.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
classifierId String ID of the classifier


Extract keywords from a list of texts in English.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
textList List Type: Array. A list of texts from which to extract keywords. Example: ["Monkeylearn is a Text Mining toolkit.", "This is a very good extractor"]
maxKeywords Number The maximum amount of keywords to extract, defaults to 10.
useStemming Boolean Take words to their base form in order to get better results , defaults to true.
useIdfs Boolean Use a language model for computing the Inverse Document Frequencies, defaults to true.
lowercase Boolean Lowercase all the given text, defaults to false.
useCompanyNames Boolean Expand company names, if in the text appears the word ‘Google’ and in other part appears ‘Google Inc.’, the word ‘Google’ will be expanded to ‘Google Inc.’. Defaults to false.
expandAcronyms Boolean Expand acronyms to they full form, for example ‘USA’ to ‘United States of America’ if both tokens appear in the given text. Defaults to false.
keepAmpersand Boolean Keep the ‘&’ char when it appears inside a name. For example ‘Ferrara & Wolf’. Defaults to false.


Extract keywords from a list of texts in Spanish.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
textList List Type: Array. A list of texts from which to extract keywords.
maxKeywords Number The maximum amount of keywords to extract, defaults to 10.


Extract plain text from binary documents as .doc, .docx, .pdf and .odt.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
file File The binary file from which to extract the text.


Extract relevant text from a list of HTML’s. This algorithm can be used to detect and remove the surplus “clutter” (boilerplate, templates) around the main textual content of a web page.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
html String HTML from which to extract the texts. Example: <html><body><h1>New products and services are released every month that dramatically change how we can develop products and manage our IT shops. Innovation is everywhere; it can be hard to keep up, but that is part of the fun</h1></body></html>


Extract Entities from a list of texts using Named Entity Recognition (NER). NER labels sequences of words in a text which are the names of things, such as person and company names. This implementation labels 3 classes: PERSON, ORGANIZATION and LOCATION.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
textList List Type: Array. A list of texts from which to extract the entities. Example: ["Juan lives in Uruguay.", "Monica lives in the USA."]


Extract Entities from a list of texts in Spanish using Named Entity Recognition (NER). NER labels sequences of words in a text which are the names of things, such as person and company names. This implementation labels 4 classes: PERS, ORG, LUG and OTROS.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
textList List Type: Array. A list of texts from which to extract the entities. Example: ["Juan vive en Uruguay.", "Monica vive en USA."]


Executes the selected pipeline.

Field Type Description
apiToken credentials The api key obtained from Monkey Learn
pipelineId String A list of texts from which to extract the entities.
data Json Depends on the pipeline definition. The JSON you post here will be used as the initial state of the Pipeline.
API 创建者:
Rapid account: Igor Zakutynsky
Igor Zakutynsky
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