
通过 Igor Zakutynsky | 已更新 לפני חודשיים | Financial

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Quandl Package

Quandl has a vast collection of free and open data collected from a variety of organizations: central banks, governments, multinational organizations and more. You can use it without payment and with few restrictions.

How to get credentials:

  1. To get an API key, please sign up for a free Quandl account. quandl.com
  2. You can find your API key on your account settings page. quandl.com

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


This call returns data from a specified time-series.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
databaseCode String Code identifying the database to which the dataset belongs.
datasetCode String Code identifying the dataset.


You can slice, transform and otherwise customize your time-series dataset prior to download by appending various optional parameters to your query.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
databaseCode String Code identifying the database to which the dataset belongs.
datasetCode String Code identifying the dataset.
limit Number Use limit=n to get the first n rows of the dataset. Use limit=1 to get just the latest row.
columnIndex Number Request a specific column. Column 0 is the date column and is always returned. Data begins at column 1.
startDate DatePicker Retrieve data rows on and after the specified start date.
endDate DatePicker Retrieve data rows up to and including the specified end date.
order Select Return data in ascending or descending order of date. Default is desc.
collapse Select Change the sampling frequency of the returned data.
transform Select Perform elementary calculations on the data prior to downloading. Default is none. Calculation options are described below.


This call returns metadata from a specified time-series.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
databaseCode String Code identifying the database to which the dataset belongs.
datasetCode String Code identifying the dataset.


This call returns metadata and data from a specified time-series.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
databaseCode String Code identifying the database to which the dataset belongs.
datasetCode String Code identifying the dataset.


It is possible to download only certain desired rows from a table, by specifying one or more columns to act as criteria to filter rows. If the value in a given column matches the filter argument, then the row containing that value is returned.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
datatableCode String Code identifying the datatable.
rowFilterCriteria Select The filter examples below all involve the ETFG/FUND table. This particular table is filterable on columns date, ticker, shares_oustanding, nav and flow_daily. This means that users can narrow down their request to rows with specific values of date, ticker, shares_oustanding, nav and flow_daily.
filterValue String Filter value. Example: SPY


It is possible to select specific table columns to download, by identifying them with the columns parameter.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
datatableCode String Code identifying the datatable.
qoptsColumns String Request data from specific columns by passing the qopts.columns parameter.


You can filter on both rows and columns by appending both filter types to your API request.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
datatableCode String Code identifying the datatable.
columnFilterCriteria String Column filter string
rowFilterCriteria String Rows filter string


Get table metadata

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
datatableCode String Code identifying the datatable.


Alternatively, we have created an exporter function that will download the entire table as a zipped CSV file.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
datatableCode String Code identifying the datatable.


Return table entrie

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API key
datatableCode String Code identifying the datatable.
API 创建者:
Rapid account: Igor Zakutynsky
Igor Zakutynsky
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