Currency Converter

Durch Geo API | Aktualisiert 2 mesi fa | Finance

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Rounding Error

Rapid account: Unisuredev
4 mesi fa

Hi Team,
We’ve found an error with rates where the exchange rate is lower than 0.0001, such as VND to USD. On the api it returns as 0.0000. This means we get a divide by zero error. We have resolved this by changing the amount to 100 and then dividing by 100 in our app to get the exchange rate, but we were wondering if there’s any plans to handle these situations? The reason we grab the rate with a value of 1 by default is because we might be doing multiple conversions with the same currency and so we want to limit the API calls we have to do and so grab the rate and then use that on our app.

Rapid account: Natkapral
natkapral Commented 4 mesi fa


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will investigate and include extra digits after the decimal point to ensure the value is not zero.

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