Big Five Personality Insights

Durch Symanto | Aktualisiert 2 months ago | Text Analysis

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How to ensure best results

Many personality or profiling approaches rely on a questionnaire, formatted with specific purpose to find how different parts of character me different in each person. Since this is not possible with online data, there are limitations to using a model to apply to achieve similar output.

There are a number of considerations with regards to the data, to ensure the best result:

  • The post should not be too short. There should be sufficient information to analyse.
  • The post should be written from first person point of view – ideally detailing personal experience or a personal viewpoint
  • This does not mean it must be styled from personal perspective or that it should use emotional words only (our psychographics show that rational or fact-oriented thinkers might not do that) but it should be written from a personal point of view
  • It may help if the post is written in answer to a specific question. Ideally in more detail – describing aspects of the topic in several ways
  • The post should not be too lengthy or have essay format. This introduces contradiction (in an attempt to balance argument) and results in invalid results

Description of facets

Openness to experience
Openness to experience describes the willingness to engage with new and unconventional experiences. A comment that scores high on openness reflects an interest in new, creative, imaginative, abstract, and intellectual activities. Low score refers to rather predictable, conventional, and traditional attitudes.

Always trying to understand how the mind works, and how it doesn’t work in some cases.
I think it’s interesting to be creative instead of always being precise and conservative.

The facet of Conscientiousness is characterized by engagement with goal-directed behaviors as well as the regulation and control of impulses to target those goals. Comments with high Conscientiousness scores reflect self-discipline, dutifulness, and persistency whereas low scores represent impulsive, disorganized, and careless attitudes.

I feel good about the fact that I am getting this assignment done well before it is due.
I feel so much better if I’ve sat down and scheduled my next day.

Extraversion refers to the extent of engagement with external activities ranging from social interactions to environment stimulation. High Extraversion scores display sociable, outgoing, excitement-seeking, and energetic tendencies. Low Extraversion scores on the other hand provide an introverted assessment characterized by preference for solitude, calm and quiet surroundings and less engagement with external world.

I can’t believe it! It’s really happening! My pulse is racing like mad.
I have been typing friends and family for a while now, and I noticed today that my most creative writing is then.

Concerning with harmony and prosocial behaviors, Agreeableness describes the way of treatment towards others. Highly agreeable comments include sensitive and cooperative characteristics such as altruism, modesty, compliance, empathy, and sympathy. Comments scoring low on Agreeableness tend to contain skeptical, unsympathetic, uncooperative, and antagonistic elements.

I love giving gifts, it’s my most favorite thing to do!!
I truly feel that it is a genuine feeling that I have, that my friends are true friends for true reasons!

Emotional stability (Neuroticism)
Emotional stability provides an overall assessment on the experience of negative emotions. High levels of emotional stability in the comments reflect stable and resilient experiences with negative emotions and contain elements of calm, confidence, and self-satisfaction. Low scores depict emotionally turbulent attitudes including mood swings, anxiety, hostility, and depression.

Today was a good day I enjoy life.
I want to get all of my work done soon so I don’t have to worry about anything this weekend.

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