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API not working

Rapid account: Shay 74882
a year ago

I understand that the site is under maintenance, but the API is still not working for me, and many others seem to have the same problem.

Each time I attempt to search with any function, I am told that it was successful, and yet it still says ’ something went wrong '.

Rapid account: Rohan Patra
rohan-patra Commented a year ago

@ellamabel90 if you are told you are a bot, it is because the reCaptchaV3 we have implemented on our site says there is a high likelihood that you are a bot based on your interactions with the site. We unfortunately had to strengthen restrictions on the site form as several bad actors were abusing the site and it was impacting the experience of other users like yourself.

You can learn more about it here:

Rapid account: Rohan Patra
rohan-patra Commented a year ago

@minhhnutle-11MqAryrKkj, just did another check and there do not seem to be any issues with the API or the site at the moment. If you continue to face issues, please open a ticket as it may be a user-specific issue and a support ticket is the best way to address it. If you would rather communicate via email, please send an email with your RapidAPI API username (the one associated with your API useage on the dashboard, not your display name) to

Rapid account: Minhhnutle 11 Mq Aryr Kkj
minhhnutle-11MqAryrKkj Commented a year ago

api still down

Rapid account: Rohan Patra
rohan-patra Commented a year ago


The site is still under maintenace, but the API should now be working. Please open a support ticket if you face further issues.

Rapid account: Rohan Patra
rohan-patra Commented a year ago


We understand that the API and site are both facing issues and are working to resolve it at the moment. We are sorry for the delay and hope to have everything working as usual as soon as possible.

Rapid account: Ellamabel 90
ellamabel90 Commented a year ago

same problem for me. error: something went wrong. everytime i try to use the website too it just tells me to use the API because it thinks im a bot but i cant even use the API

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