Plagiarism Checker and Auto Citation Generator Multi-Lingual

द्वारा Smodin | अपडेट किया गया 2 months ago | Education

9.8 / 10



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How many languages do we support?
Currently, we support all 50 languages located on Here is a short list with the language codes: arabic (ar), catalan (ca), danish (da), dutch (nl), french (fr), hungarian (hu), indonesian (id), italian (it), polish (pl), swedish (sv), turkish (tr), ukranian (uk), filipino (tl), english (en), spanish (es), portuguese (pt), german (de), malay (ms), norwegian (no), romanian (ro), vietnamese (vi), finnish (fi), czech (cs), russian (ru), greek (el), slovak (sk), croatian (hr), korean (ko), chinese (zh-cn), hebrew (he), and japanese (ja).

How do I write this in a different computer language?
Please see the rapid api testing interface, the dropdown has multiple languages available.

I’m getting an error?
If it’s a 400 error, you are using the wrong request body values, see the api requirements. A “text” is required, however you don’t need “language”, “includeCitations”, or “scrapeSources”.

What is “scrapeSources” for?
Our plagiarism returns snippet results by default, however, you may wish for a deeper word for word checking. If you set “scrapeSources” to true, we will request the source text and search the text for matches. Note, we do not scrape files. If you turn on scrapeSources, your request will take longer, usually by about 10 seconds.

How long does the request take?
Most requests take about 6 seconds, however they can take longer depending on your text, how much it’s plagiarised, if you turn “scrapeSources” on, and other factors.

Why does the rapid api test interface not return my plagiarism check?
Rapid API’s test interface doesn’t send a real request, it is only a test. Only mock data is returned.

I’m having trouble setting up my API?
Make sure you have the proper headers, you need to set two different headers for rapid api, the host and the key.

How many words / calls / characters do I have?
Each request has a maximum of 3000 characters per request, which is about 700 words.

I have many requests to make, what plan is best?
Plans are priced with the expectation that you will use the overage pricing. Please choose your plan pricing based on the overage cost, the bulk pricing is much more affordable for bulk request usage.

How to use with postman to test this API
(make sure you have postman downloaded from )

  1. Set endpoint and type POST
  2. set header key x-rapidapi-host to AND header key x-rapidapi-key to yours
  3. set body to something that resembles the following:
    { "text": "Lets check this text for plagiarism., but make sure we send over at least 40 characters to get back the best results." }
  4. Set body type to raw JSON from dropdown menu (typically starts as text)
  5. Click send
फॉलोवर: 4
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API निर्माता:
Rapid account: Smodin
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रेटिंग: 5 - वोट: 1