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Artist singles id not corresponding to track id?

Rapid account: Lifeisdrastictoo
il y a 5 mois

Is the artist singles id not supposed to correspond to the track id or is this a bug?

Using 2w9zwq3AktTeYYMuhMjju8 , an artist id, as the required parameter for getting artist singles
If I go into data -> artist -> discography -> singles -> items -> 0 -> releases -> items -> 0 -> id , i’ll find that the id is 4kG9LIFl6dYNUSLjABjTbV , and the item is of type single

However, when I use the single id as the required parameter for get tracks, I am returned with null

Rapid account: Glavier
Glavier Commented il y a 5 mois

This is not a bug. The value you get is actually an Album ID. You must use the Album tracks endpoint to get the song ID.

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