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분류별 API-SPORTS | 업데이트됨 23일 전 | Sports

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팔로워: 68
제품 웹사이트 이용 약관
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: API SPORTS
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 3.4 - 투표: 16



Welcome to API-BASKETBALL! You can use our API to access all API endpoints, which can get information about basketball Leagues & Cups.

We cover +380 leagues & cups with livescore, standings, pre-matches odds, statistics and more…

Full Documentation

Consult our documentation to get the best out of the API : https://api-sports.io/documentation/basketball/v1


To find out about the latest updates, new competitions etc… https://headwayapp.co/api-sports-updates

Servers availability

As the availability of our APIs is essential for us and our users, we make every effort to ensure that the service is available to the maximum and with a low latency.

You can check the availability of our APIs on this link: https://api-sports.checklyhq.com


We uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new API key in rapidapi.

Our API expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

fetch("https://api-basketball.p.rapidapi.com/{endpoint}", {
    "method": "GET",
    "headers": {
        "x-rapidapi-host": "https://api-basketball.p.rapidapi.com",
        "x-rapidapi-key": "XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx"

> Make sure to replace XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx with your API key.

Requests Headers & CORS

The API is configured to work only with GET requests and allows only the headers listed below:

  • x-rapidapi-host
  • x-rapidapi-key

If you make non-GET requests or add headers that are not in the list, you will receive an error from the API.
Some frameworks (especially in JS, nodeJS…) automatically add extra headers, you have to make sure to remove them in order to get a response from the API.



All information related to your subscription are available on the rapidApi developer dashboard.
The RapidAPI developer dashboard is where you can see all of your apps, locate API keys, view analytics, and manage billing settings.
To access the dashboard, simply login to RapidAPI and select ‘My Apps’ in the top-right menu. Alternatively, you can head directly to https://rapidapi.com/developer/dashboard.
In the main dashboard, you will see account-wide analytics and account information. To get more detailed information, you can select tabs on the left-hand side of the screen.

App Specific Analytics

Using the RapidAPI dashboard, you can also view analytics specific to each app in your account. To do so, switch over to the ‘Analytics’ tab of your application in the dashboard.
On the top of the page, you’ll be able to see a chart with all the calls being made to all the APIs your app is connected to. You’ll also be able to see a log with all the request data. You are also able to filter these analytics to only show certain APIs within the app.
In each graph, you can view the following metrics:

  • API Calls: how many requests are being made
  • Error rates: how many requests are error some
  • Latency: how long (on average) requests take to execute

You may change the time period you’re looking at by clicking the calendar icon and choosing a time range.

Headers sent as response

When consuming our API, you will always receive the following headers appended to the response:

  • server: The current version of the API proxy used by RapidAPI.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-limit: The number of requests the plan you are currently subscribed to allows you to make, before incurring overages.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-remaining: The number of requests remaining before you reach the limit of requests your application is allowed to make, before experiencing overage charges.
  • X-RapidAPI-Proxy-Response: This header is set to true when the RapidAPI proxy generates the response, (i.e. the response is not generated from our servers)