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Youtube link doesn't exist in V2/get-details comparing the deprecated get-details endpoint

Rapid account: Valousecondaire
5 महीने पहले

I call songs/get-details with the key 643447679 (the trackKey of shazam), it return this :
“layout”: “5”,
“type”: “MUSIC”,
“key”: “643447679”,
“title”: “Mas yo si me enamoré (Bachata Version)”,
“subtitle”: “Grupo Extra”,
“images”: {
“background”: “”,
“coverart”: “”,
“coverarthq”: “”,
“joecolor”: “b:2a1c29p:ffffffs:fffeect:d4d1d4q:d4d0c4”
“share”: {
“subject”: “Mas yo si me enamoré (Bachata Version) - Grupo Extra”,
“text”: “Mas yo si me enamoré (Bachata Version) par Grupo Extra”,
“href”: “é-bachata-version”,
“image”: “”,
“twitter”: “J’ai utilisé @Shazam pour découvrir Mas yo si me enamoré (Bachata Version) par Grupo Extra.”,
“html”: “”,
“avatar”: “”,
“snapchat”: “”
“hub”: {
“type”: “APPLEMUSIC”,
“image”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“actions”: [
“name”: “apple”,
“type”: “applemusicplay”,
“id”: “1658754023”
“name”: “apple”,
“type”: “uri”,
“uri”: “”
“options”: [
“caption”: “OUVRIR”,
“actions”: [
“name”: “hub:applemusic:deeplink”,
“type”: “applemusicopen”,
“uri”: “é-bachata-version/1658752545?i=1658754023&mttnagencyid=s2n&mttnsiteid=125115&mttn3pid=Apple-Shazam&mttnsub1=Shazam_ios&mttnsub2=5348615A-616D-3235-3830-44754D6D5973&itscg=30201&app=music&itsct=Shazam_ios”
“name”: “hub:applemusic:deeplink”,
“type”: “uri”,
“uri”: “é-bachata-version/1658752545?i=1658754023&mttnagencyid=s2n&mttnsiteid=125115&mttn3pid=Apple-Shazam&mttnsub1=Shazam_ios&mttnsub2=5348615A-616D-3235-3830-44754D6D5973&itscg=30201&app=music&itsct=Shazam_ios”
“beacondata”: {
“type”: “open”,
“providername”: “applemusic”
“image”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“type”: “open”,
“listcaption”: “Ouvrir dans Apple Music”,
“overflowimage”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“colouroverflowimage”: false,
“providername”: “applemusic”
“caption”: “ACHETER”,
“actions”: [
“type”: “uri”,
“uri”: “é-bachata-version/1658752545?i=1658754023&mttnagencyid=s2n&mttnsiteid=125115&mttn3pid=Apple-Shazam&mttnsub1=Shazam_ios&mttnsub2=5348615A-616D-3235-3830-44754D6D5973&itscg=30201&app=itunes&itsct=Shazam_ios”
“beacondata”: {
“type”: “buy”,
“providername”: “itunes”
“image”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“type”: “buy”,
“listcaption”: “Acheter sur iTunes”,
“overflowimage”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“colouroverflowimage”: false,
“providername”: “itunes”
“providers”: [
“caption”: “Ouvrir dans Spotify”,
“images”: {
“overflow”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“default”: “{scalefactor}.png”
“actions”: [
“name”: “hub:spotify:searchdeeplink”,
“type”: “uri”,
“uri”: “spotify:search:Mas%20yo%20si%20me%20enamor%C3%A9%20%28Bachata%20Version%29%20Grupo%20Extra”
“type”: “SPOTIFY”
“caption”: “Ouvrir dans Deezer”,
“images”: {
“overflow”: “{scalefactor}.png”,
“default”: “{scalefactor}.png”
“actions”: [
“name”: “hub:deezer:searchdeeplink”,
“type”: “uri”,
“uri”: “deezer-query://”
“type”: “DEEZER”
“explicit”: false,
“displayname”: “APPLE MUSIC”
“url”: “é-bachata-version”,
“artists”: [
“id”: “42”,
“adamid”: “370925083”
“isrc”: “CH9182274013”,
“genres”: {
“primary”: “Latin Urban”
“urlparams”: {
"{tracktitle}": “Mas+yo+si+me+enamor%C3%A9+%28Bachata+Version%29”,
"{trackartist}": “Grupo+Extra”
“myshazam”: {
“apple”: {
“actions”: [
“name”: “myshazam:apple”,
“type”: “uri”,
“uri”: “é-bachata-version/1658752545?i=1658754023&mttnagencyid=s2n&mttnsiteid=125115&mttn3pid=Apple-Shazam&mttnsub1=Shazam_ios&mttnsub2=5348615A-616D-3235-3830-44754D6D5973&itscg=30201&app=music&itsct=Shazam_ios”
“albumadamid”: “1658752545”,
“sections”: [
“type”: “SONG”,
“metapages”: [
“image”: “”,
“caption”: “Grupo Extra”
“image”: “”,
“caption”: “Mas yo si me enamoré (Bachata Version)”
“tabname”: “Titre”,
“metadata”: [
“title”: “Album”,
“text”: “El Tiguere presents Bachata PopiWa”
“title”: “Label”,
“text”: “Urban Latin Records”
“title”: “Sorti”,
“text”: “2022”
“type”: “RELATED”,
“tabname”: “Titres similaires”

So I thought the V2 API use the same method, the parameter of V2/get-details here is “hub” -> “actions” -> “id” of object with name “apple” apparently.
In this case is 1626322688, when I call the V2/get-details with this id I have the following response :

“data”: [
“id”: “1658754023”,
“type”: “songs”,
“attributes”: {
“hasTimeSyncedLyrics”: false,
“albumName”: “El Tiguere presents Bachata PopiWa”,
“genreNames”: [
“Urbano latino”,
“trackNumber”: 7,
“durationInMillis”: 240893,
“releaseDate”: “2022-12-02”,
“isVocalAttenuationAllowed”: false,
“isMasteredForItunes”: false,
“isrc”: “CH9182274013”,
“artwork”: {
“width”: 3000,
“url”: “{w}x{h}bb.jpg”,
“height”: 3000,
“textColor3”: “d4d1d4”,
“textColor2”: “fffeec”,
“textColor4”: “d4d0c4”,
“textColor1”: “ffffff”,
“bgColor”: “2a1c29”,
“hasP3”: false
“audioLocale”: “es-ES”,
“composerName”: “Alejandro Jaen & William Paz”,
“url”: “é-bachata-version/1658752545?i=1658754023”,
“playParams”: {
“id”: “1658754023”,
“kind”: “song”
“discNumber”: 1,
“hasCredits”: false,
“hasLyrics”: false,
“isAppleDigitalMaster”: false,
“audioTraits”: [
“name”: “Mas yo si me enamoré (Bachata Version)”,
“previews”: [
“url”: “”
“artistName”: “Grupo Extra”
“relationships”: {
“albums”: {
“data”: [
“id”: “1658752545”,
“type”: “albums”
“artists”: {
“data”: [
“id”: “370925083”,
“type”: “artists”

but there’s not as much information as the deprecated get-details API. is this normal? for example, I don’t have the youtube link even though it’s present on shazam if you go to the link I sent you in my previous message.


Rapid account: Valousecondaire
valousecondaire Commented 4 महीने पहले

Ok thank you for your answer !


Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented 5 महीने पहले


WIth the new system of Shazam, you will have to call three endpoints to get information as same as in v1 endpoint:
and an endpoint to get youtube link is under development.

This change was made by the official developer of Shazam, we have nothing to deal with it.


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