Countries Cities

Por Geo API | Atualizado 2 months ago | Location

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what is the endpoint to get city details including elevationMeters. I tried city details but It want me to specify the wikiDataId on the url. How do I make it unique such that I enter a city name and get wikiDataId from it then make another request using wikiDataId to get elevationMeters?

Rapid account: Bomma
7 months ago

what is the endpoint to get city details including elevationMeters. I tried city details but It want me to specify the wikiDataId on the url. How do I make it unique such that I enter a city name and get wikiDataId from it then make another request using wikiDataId to get elevationMeters?

Rapid account: Natkapral
natkapral Commented 7 months ago


You can use Cities nearby or Cities in the country to get the list of the cities with geonameid

City details endpioint ( is using the geonameid return from the previous rwquests to fetch the data about the city
Unfortunately elevation wasn’t included in this API, but we can add it next week.

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