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Por Twinword API | Atualizado 2 months ago | Text Analysis

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Error API

Rapid account: Teo
9 years ago

I’m using your APIs, I’m using Topic Tagging by TwinWord. Sometimes (depends on the text), I receive this error {“message”:“Ops, an error occurred (?°?°??”}
What is it? How can i solve it please?
p.s: my X-Mashape-Key is YR23PPSLTYmshItwjEWVQvT6EcrVp1kn3P5jsnBKoOk7M3FbdP


Rapid account: Twinword
twinword Commented 9 years ago

For those who are following, here is an update on our progress in diagnosing this pesky error.

After working with the user @teo, we have come to the conclusion that that error originates solely from Mashape. We tested with the user @teo by bypassing Mashape and @teo reported that those specific calls that returned those errors from Mashape earlier were returned without a problem after connecting directly to our API servers.

It is unclear still why that error happens with Mashape, but we have concluded it is not due to something on our end. Some possibilities may bet that it is related to the length of the parameters, but also other various things.

If you are running into this error and would like to bypass Mashape all together, please contact us at and to set up an enterprise plan and connect directly to our servers. Enterprise plans are negotiable and include SLAs.

We hope this update helps.

Rapid account: Teo
teo Commented 9 years ago

If I cut a long string every 100 characters, API starts printing that error after 9 requests. WHy?

Rapid account: Teo
teo Commented 9 years ago


The problem is not the length of the text.

When I try to analyze JUST ONE string of text, TwinWord API works. if there’s a loop of short strings (even 50 characters each one), after awhile it starts printing this error:

{“message”:“Ops, an error occurred (?°?°??”}

That error derives from Mashape but I’m pretty sure the problem is from TwinWord and Mashape just receives some weird output from you and prints that error.

Help me please


Rapid account: Twinword
twinword Commented 9 years ago

Hello Teo,

First, thanks for using our API and I’m sorry for the issue you are having.

That error message originates from Mashape itself and is due to the size of the “text” query passed.
Other Mashape users have experienced something similar with other APIs. See StackOverflow post below:

Could you reduce the size of the text and try again. Unfortunately, this query size limit that Mashape imposes is currently out of our control.

If you have further issues, please feel free to contact us!

Twinword Inc.

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