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Mist condition comes only for current hour and rest of the values remain clear

Rapid account: Srirangsathyan
7 месяцев назад

When using forecast API for locations in India I found the API sometimes gives Mist condition only in the current hour object ( also in current property) but once the hour passes the Mist moves to the next running hour and the original hour changes to clear. What could be the reason for this?

I have had to specifically handle the case of mist in my case, let me know if there is anything particular I am missing

Rapid account: Srirangsathyan
srirangsathyan Commented 6 месяцев назад

Where you able to check?

Rapid account: Srirangsathyan
srirangsathyan Commented 7 месяцев назад

This is an example URL where I am seeing this issue,India&dt=2023-11-09

I have saved responses when the API was hit at 10am IST and 12pm IST.

At 10AM:

At 12PM:

If you go through you will find at 10 am ->
10am hour condition: Overcast
12pm hour condition: Clear

At 12pm the api response had ->
10am hour condition: Clear
12pm hour condition: Overcast

Also the property “cloud” in both these hour objects with condition Overcast is 0

Thank you for your help.

Rapid account: Weatherapi
weatherapi Commented 7 месяцев назад

For which location is it happening? Please provide your Request URL to try and recreate the issue at our end.


Rapid account: Srirangsathyan
srirangsathyan Commented 7 месяцев назад

On further inspection I found a property “cloud” in the response having value 0 even when the condition is “Overcast” or "Mist"
Is there a way I can identify how the condition is being classified based on the various parameter values for an hour?

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