HAPI Books

Taraf ROFT | Güncelleyen 2 месяца назад | Entertainment

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Limiting number of books in response

Rapid account: Spencerhaka
год назад

Hi, the response from the endpoint “Get Weekly Popular Books by Genre” is an object with 100 books. That’s a lot of data. Is there a way to query for less books? For example, I would only like the top 10 books back. Thanks

Rapid account: Spencerhaka
spencerhaka Commented год назад

Incredible! Thank you for implementing this. Yes, I see that “number_results” is required, but that’s ok. This is a big improvement and much appreciated.

Rapid account: Roftcomp La Gm Bwl W Lm
roftcomp-laGmBwlWLm Commented год назад

Hello again spencerhaka.

After your question, the feature you mentioned has been implemented. Now, in the endpoint “Get Weekly Popular Books by Genre”, you can add an extra parameter regarding the exact number of results you wish to receive (to a maximum value of 100).

You can still use this endpoint without this parameter. In this case, the API will return all the books, which is 100.

Happy coding 😃

Rapid account: Roftcomp La Gm Bwl W Lm
roftcomp-laGmBwlWLm Commented год назад

Hello spencerhaka. We appreciate you using our API and your comment.

At the moment, for the mentioned current endpoint, it is only possible to retrieve that number of books.
However, the idea you mentioned can be studied for a future implementation.

We hope this was helpful.

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