
(Ким) Java Thinked | Оновлено 2 mesi fa | Science
Health Check



All the endpoints available are the followings:
Core Computation Category:

  • destiny
  • personality
  • attitude
  • character
  • soul-urge
  • hidden-agenda
  • divine-purpose
  • personal-year
  • love-compatibility
  • final-result

You can see the description of the categories:

  • /descriptions/en or /descriptions/fr to display all the descriptions
  • /description/{category}/en or /description/{category}/fr to display a particular category description. The URI will look like this: /description/destiny/en or /description/destiny/fr

Warning: The supported languages are French(fr) and English(en). You have to specify the language in the payload.

For tests, you have to set a payload and here is a payload sample you can copy and paste where the content type is: application/json:

    "firstName": "JOHN",
    "lastName": "DOE",
    "day": 12,
    "month": 9,
    "year": 1995,
    "phoneNumber": "499-999-9999",
    "email": "",
    "language": "en"

For the Love-Compatibility endpoint, the payload is an array of 2 persons:

    "firstName": "JOHN",
    "lastName": "DOE",
    "day": 10,
    "month": 9,
    "year": 1988,
    "phoneNumber": "499-999-9999",
    "email": "",
    "language": "en"
    "firstName": "JEANNE",
    "lastName": "DOEN",
    "day": 20,
    "month": 6,
    "year": 1992,
    "phoneNumber": "499-999-9999",
    "email": "",
    "language": "en"

To check the status of the application. For those link, you don’t need to specify the language at the end of the URI:

  • /info
  • /health

For the moment the supported languages are English (en) and French (fr)

You can reach me here:

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Створювач API:
Rapid account: Java Thinked
Java Thinked
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