Rapid Translate Multi Traduction

(Ким) oussama sibari | Оновлено vor 2 Monaten | Text Analysis

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Welcome to the documentation of the Fast Translator API service. This service is designed to provide an easy-to-use interface for translating text between different languages. This documentation will provide an overview of the service, its features, and how to use it.

The Fast Translator API service provides the following features:

Translation between over 100 languages.
Support for text, HTML, and file formats.
Customizable translation settings.
High accuracy and speed.
RESTful API interface for easy integration.
Getting Started
To use the Fast Translator API service, you will need to sign up for an API key. This can be done by visiting the Fast Translator website and creating an account. Once you have created an account, you will be provided with an API key that you can use to access the service.

API Endpoints
The Fast Translator API service provides the following endpoints:

/translate: Translates the input text to the desired language.
/languages: Lists all the supported languages.
API Parameters
The translate endpoint accepts the following parameters:

text: The text to translate.
to: The language to translate the text to.
from: The language to translate the text from. (Optional)
The languages endpoint does not require any parameters.

API Responses
The Fast Translator API service returns responses in JSON format. The translate endpoint returns the translated text, while the languages endpoint returns a list of supported languages.

The Fast Translator API service allows you to customize your translation settings. You can do this by logging into your account on the Fast Translator website and accessing the settings page. Here, you can specify default translation settings, such as the default input and output languages, and other options.

The Fast Translator API service is a powerful and flexible tool for translating text between different languages. With support for over 100 languages, customizable translation settings, and a RESTful API interface, it is an ideal solution for businesses and individuals who need to translate large amounts of text quickly and accurately.

Відстежувачі: 21
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Створювач API:
Rapid account: Oussama Sibari
oussama sibari
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