Retina Tiles

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Retina Tiles API

OpenStreetMap retina tiles for your web or mobile map application.

With the Retina Tiles API you can display a planet-covering map on different zoom levels.

The raster map tiles rendered and hosted by Retina Tiles API are based on OpenStreetMap data, licensed under an Open Common Open Database License.

Retina Tiles API Endpoints as TileLayer URLs:

  • Retina Tiles:{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY

  • Standard Tiles:{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY

  • Retina Tiles/Standard Tiles:{r}/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=YOUR-RAPIDAPI-KEY for libraries like Leaflet that automatically detect retina displays.

See the tutorial at for a quick start guide on integrating a map in your website using the Retina Tiles API.

The rendered tiles use the webmercator projection and follow the standard filenaming convention for xyz tiles for slippy maps.

All tiles are served by the Retina Tiles API through a tile cdn with edge servers on different continents for fast delivery and low latency.

The Retina Tiles API can be used as a TileLayer for map frameworks like Leaflet or OpenLayers, different app frameworks for maps or in desktop software applications like QGIS et al.

Please note that the free basic plan is not suitable for full screen maps on large screen desktop computers.

Don’t hesitate to contact us through RapidAPIs messaging system (see “contact API provider”) or the discussion board for the Retina Tiles API here on RapidAPI if you have any further questions on how to use the Retina Tiles API.

Custom enterprise plans are available upon request. We can serve up to billions of tiles per month. Please message us here at RapidAPI to get a quote stating your expected volume and use case or write a mail to

Attribution Requirement

Please note that under the Terms of Service you have to attribute OpenStreetMap contributors by applying the following attribution visibly and easily readable attached to any map display using the provided map tiles while linking the term “OpenStreetMap” or “OpenStreetMap contributors” to “”. Example attribution including link:

“Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.”

as well as the Retina Tiles API, e.g.:

“Map tiles © Retina Tiles API | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.”