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Lat/Long instead of address?

Rapid account: Uvicstevej
5 वर्ष पहले

I’m trying to run a search using Lat/Long instead of address, but it’s not returning any results.
-> What is the format for the lat long?
-> Should it go in the address field? or do i just leave that blank? (it’s not allowing blank address)

Rapid account: Moneals
moneals Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply!

I realize this is an old thread, and I’m just now jumping into the conversation, but if you are still having any issues with any of our API endpoints, please let me know!

Kevin Willow
Realty Mole Support

Rapid account: Uvicstevej
uvicstevej Commented 5 वर्ष पहले

Thanks for the speedy response Michael!
I tested it out again, and it is now returning the Texas sample response for everything when the ‘address’ field is blank and lat/long are populated. However, if I populate ‘address’ with ’ ’ (single space) it returns the proper result.

Rapid account: Moneals
moneals Commented 5 वर्ष पहले

Hi Steven,

Apologies but it looks like there was a bug with latitude/longitude. The latitude/longitude values were not getting correctly converted into numbers. We just corrected this issue and released a patch. You should now be able to use the latitude/longitude parameters and leave the address parameter blank. Let me know if you run into any additional issues.


Realty Mole Support

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