
Durch Volodimir Kudriachenko | Aktualisiert 2 months ago | Events

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Eventful Package

Search events and venues on Eventful’s local event database.

  • Domain: eventful.com
  • Credentials: appKey, consumerKey, consumerSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Create new Eventful API account
  2. Under the Get Started section, click the Request an application key button. You will be sent to a form to specify you application details.
  3. Fill out all your application info and click “Request a Key”
  4. Save your application key.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Eventful OAuth

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
token String OAuth Token.
tokenSecret String OAuth Token Secret.
verifier String OAuth verifier code.


Add a new event record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
title String The event title.
startTime DatePicker The event start time in ISO 8601 format (e.g. ‘2005-03-01T19:00:00’) or a readable alternative (e.g. ‘2005-03-01 19:00:00’).
stopTime DatePicker The event stop time, if any, in ISO 8601 format (see above).
tzOlsonPath String The event timezone, as listed in the Olson timezones database (e.g. “America/New_York”)
allDay Boolean True (“1”) if the event is an all-day event, false (“0”) otherwise. (optional)
description String The event description.
privacy String The privacy setting for this event. (1 = public, 2 = private, 3 = semi-private) (optional, defaults to 1)
tags String A space-delimited list of tags.
free Boolean True (“1”) if the event is free, false (“0”) otherwise.
price String A text string describing the event price. For example, this could indicate a price range ("$15 - $35"), free but donations requested ("$10 donation suggested"), or other special instructions (“Adults $15, children under eight $5”). Don’t pass this parameter or leave it blank if there is no price information
venueId String The ID of the venue where this event occurs.
parentId String The ID of this event’s parent event.


Get an event record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the requested event.
imageSizes String A comma separted list of imageSizes desired.


Modify an event record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID to modify.
title String The event title.
startTime DatePicker The event start time in ISO 8601 format (e.g. ‘2005-03-01T19:00:00’) or a readable alternative (e.g. ‘2005-03-01 19:00:00’).
stopTime DatePicker The event stop time, if any, in ISO 8601 format (see above).
tzOlsonPath String The event timezone, as listed in the Olson timezones database (e.g. “America/New_York”)
allDay Boolean True (“1”) if the event is an all-day event, false (“0”) otherwise. (optional)
description String The event description.
privacy Select The privacy setting for this event. (1 = public, 2 = private, 3 = semi-private) (optional, defaults to 1)
tags String A space-delimited list of tags.
free Boolean True (“1”) if the event is free, false (“0”) otherwise.
price String A text string describing the event price. For example, this could indicate a price range ("$15 - $35"), free but donations requested ("$10 donation suggested"), or other special instructions (“Adults $15, children under eight $5”). Don’t pass this parameter or leave it blank if there is no price information
venueId Number The ID of the venue where this event occurs.
parentId String The ID of this event’s parent event.


Withdraw (delete, remove) an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the requested event.
note String An optional note describing why the event has been withdrawn.


Restore a withdrawn event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the requested event.


Search for events.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords.
location String A location name to use in filtering the search results. Locations in the form San Diego, San Diego, TX, London, United Kingdom, and Calgary, Alberta, Canada are accepted, as are postal codes (92122) and venue IDs (V0-001-000268633-5). Common geocoordinate formats (32.746682, -117.162741) are also accepted, but the within parameter is required in order to set a search radius
date String Limit this list of results to a date range, specified by label or exact range. Currently supported labels include: All, Future, Past, Today, Last Week, This Week, Next week, and months by name, e.g. October. Exact ranges can be specified the form ‘YYYYMMDD00-YYYYMMDD00’, for example ‘2012042500-2012042700’; the last two digits of each date in this format are ignored.
category String Limit the search results to this category ID. A list of categories may be specified separated by commas. See /categories/list for a list of categories and their IDs.
exCategory String Exclude search results from including this category ID.
within String If within is set and the “location” parameter resolves to a specific geolocation, the search will be restricted to the specified radius. If the “location” parameter does not resolve to a specific location, this parameter is ignored.
units Select One of “mi” or “km”, the units of the “within” parameter. Defaults to “mi”.
countOnly String If count_only is set, an abbreviated version of the output will be returned. Only total_items and search_time elements are included in the result.
sortOrder String One of ‘popularity’, ‘date’, or ‘relevance’. Default is ‘relevance’.
sortDirection String One of ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Default varies by sort_order.
pageSize String The desired number of results per page.
pageNumber String The desired page number
imageSizes String A comma separted list of image_sizes desired.
languages String Return our guess of each event language. (“Undetermined” is a possibility)
mature String Sets the level of filtering for events marked as “mature” due to keywords in the title or description. One of ‘all’ (no filtering), ‘normal’, or ‘safe’.
include String Indicates that optional sections should be included in the result XML.
changeMultiDayStart String If set changes the start_date of long duration events (lasting multiple days) to the beginning of the search date range. It will also give the next occurence of a recurring event after the start range.


Update the search index for an event record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event to index.


Get events in iCalendar format.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords.
location String A location name to use in filtering the search results.
date String Limit this list of results to the specified date range.
within String Limit this list of results to the specified date range. Date ranges are specified by label. Currently supported labels include: “All”, “Future”, “Past”, “Today”, “Last Week”, “This Week”, “Next week”, and months by name, e.g. “October”.
units String One of “mi” or “km”, the units of the “within” parameter. Defaults to “mi”.
sortOrder String One of ‘popularity’, ‘date’, ‘title’, ‘relevance’, or ‘venue_name’. Default is ‘date’.
sort_direction String One of ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Default varies by sort_order.
pageSize String The desired number of results per page. Default: 50, Maximum: 50.


Get events in RSS format.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords.
location String A location name to use in filtering the search results.
date String Limit this list of results to the specified date range. Date ranges are specified by label.
within Number If within is set and the “location” parameter resolves to a specific geolocation, the search will be restricted to the specified radius.
units String One of “mi” or “km”, the units of the “within” parameter. Defaults to “mi”
sortOrder String One of ‘popularity’, ‘date’, ‘title’, ‘relevance’, or ‘venue_name’. Default is ‘date’.
sortDirection String One of ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Default varies by sort_order.
pageSize String The desired number of results per page.


List all tags attached to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event.


List all users going to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event.


Add tags to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event to which these tags are being added.
tags String The ID of the event to which these tags are being added.


Remove tags from an event. Note: This method was previously called delete but has been renamed remove

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event from which these tags are being deleted.
tags String A space-delimited list of tags. Tags with spaces should be enclosed in quotes (e.g. “San Diego”).


Add a comment to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event to which this comment is being added.
comment String The body of the comment message.


Make changes to an event comment.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
eventId String Event ID.
commentId String The ID of the comment to modify.
comment String The new, modified comment to save.


Remove a comment from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
eventId String Event ID.
commentId String The ID of the comment to be deleted.


Add a URL to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event to which this link is being added.
link String The URL of the link.
description String The title of the link.
linkTypeId String The ID of the link type, as found in this list: 15: Blog, Box Office; 8: Chat; 23: Facebook; 1: Info; 21: Myspace; 3: News; 17: Official Site; 18: Podcast; 4: Review; 5: Sponsor; 6: Tickets; 14: Webcast; 19: Website; 20: Wiki; 16: Other


Remove a URL from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
eventId String Event ID.
linkId String The ID of the requested event.


Add an image to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
imageId String The image ID.


Remove an image from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
imageId String The image ID.


Add a performer to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
performerId String The performer ID.


Remove a performer from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
performerId String The performer ID.


Add a property to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
name String The property name.
value String The property value.


List properties for an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the event.


Remove a property from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
propertyId String The ID of the property to remove
name String The name of the property to remove. NOTE: if name is specified, any property with this name will be removed from this event.


Add a category to an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
categoryId String The category ID.


Remove a category from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The event ID.
categoryId String The category ID.


Resolve start and end dates from a date string.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
when String A string containing a date and optional time(s).


Add a new venue record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
name String The displayed name for this venue.
address String The street address of the venue. (
city String The city name.
region String The name of the region (state, province, county)
postalCode String The postal code or ZIP code.
country String The name of the country.
description String The venue description.
privacy String The privacy setting for this venue. (1 = public, 2 = private, 3 = semi-private)
venueType String The type of venue (e.g. Cinema, Arena).
url String A URI link to further information about this venue.
urlType String
parentId String The ID of this venue’s parent venue.


Get a venue record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the requested venue.
mature String Sets the level of filtering for events marked as “mature” due to keywords in the title or description. One of ‘all’ (no filtering), ‘normal’, or ‘safe’.


Make changes to a venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The venue ID to modify.
name String The displayed name for this venue.
address String The street address of the venue. (
city String The city name.
region String The name of the region (state, province, county)
postalCode String The postal code or ZIP code.
country String The name of the country.
description String The venue description.
privacy String The privacy setting for this venue. (1 = public, 2 = private, 3 = semi-private)
venueType String The type of venue (e.g. Cinema, Arena).
url String A URI link to further information about this venue.
urlType String
parentId String The ID of this venue’s parent venue.


Withdraw (delete, remove) a venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the requested venue.
note String An optional note describing why the venue has been withdrawn.


Restore a withdrawn venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the requested venue.


Search for venues.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords.
location String A location name to use in filtering the search results. Locations in the form “San Diego”, “San Diego, TX”, “London, United Kingdom”, and “Calgary, Alberta, Canada” are accepted.
countOnly String If count_only is set, an abbreviated version of the output will be returned. Only total_items and search_time elements are included in the result.
pageSize String The desired number of results per page.
pageNumber String The desired page number.
within Number If within is set and the location parameter resolves to a specific geolocation, the search will be restricted to the specified radius.
units String One of “mi” or “km”, the units of the “within” parameter. Defaults to “mi”.
sort_order String One of ‘popularity’, ‘relevance’, or ‘venue_name’. Default is ‘relevance’.
sortDirection String One of ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Default varies by sort_order.


List all tags attached to an venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the venue.


Adds a new tag to an venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
tags String A space-delimited list of tags. Tags with spaces should be enclosed in quotes
id String The ID of the venue to which these tags are being added.


Remove tags from an venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the venue from which these tags are being deleted.
tags String A space-delimited list of tags. Tags with spaces should be enclosed in quotes (e.g. “San Diego”).


Get events at a venue in iCalendar format.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the venue to use as the feed source.


Get events at a venue in RSS format.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The id of the venue to use as the feed source.


Make changes to a venue comment.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
commentId String The ID of the comment to modify.
comment String The new, modified comment to save.


Remove a comment from a venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
commentId String The ID of the comment to be deleted.


Add a URL to a venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the venue to which this link is being added.
link String The URL of the link.
description String The title of the link.
linkTypeId String The ID of the link type, as found in this list: 15: Blog, Box Office; 8: Chat; 23: Facebook; 1: Info; 21: Myspace; 3: News; 17: Official Site; 18: Podcast; 4: Review; 5: Sponsor; 6: Tickets; 14: Webcast; 19: Website; 20: Wiki; 16: Other


Remove a URL from an event.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
linkId String The ID of the link to be deleted.


Add a property to an venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The venue ID.
name String The property name.
value String The property value.


List properties for an venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the venue.


Remove a property from an venue.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The venue ID.
propertyId String The ID of the property to remove
name String The name of the property to remove. NOTE: if name is specified, any property with this name will be removed from this venue.


Resolve a venue from a location string.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
location String A venue name and/or city.


List a user’s calendars.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
owner String The Eventful username of the calendars’ owner. (optional, defaults to authenticated user)


Get the settings for a user’s calendar.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The calendar ID.


Get a user record.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
username String The ID of the requested user.
listCounts String List counts of user activity. Set to 1 to display this data.


Searches for users.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords
sortOrder String Orders sorting of results by “relevance” (default), “username”, “event_count”, “venue_count”, or “calendar_count”.
countOnly String If count_only is set, an abbreviated version of the output will be returned. Only total_items and search_time elements are included in the result.
pageSize String The desired number of results per “page”.
page_number String The desired “page” number.


List the groups of which a user is a member.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
username String The user ID.


Add a locale to a user’s saved locations.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
username String The user ID.
locale String The locale to add to the user.


List a user’s saved locations.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
username String The user’s ID. If not specified, the authenticated user by default.


Delete a locale from a user’s saved locations.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
username String The user id from which to delete the locale.
locale String The name of the locale to delete.


Removes a user from an event’s “I’m going” list.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
eventId String The event ID.


Removes a user from an event’s “I’m going” list.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
eventId String The event ID.


Add an image to a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
image File File upload URL from which to retrieve the image file.
caption String A caption for this image.


Add an image to a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
name String The name of this performer.
shortBio String A short biography of this performer.
longBio String A detailed biography of this performer.
tags String A space-delimited list of tags.


Get the details for a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the requested performer.
showEvents Boolean If true, include the events list. (see below)
image_sizes String A comma separted list of image_sizes desired.


Modify a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the performer object to modify.
name String The name of this performer.
shortBio String A short biography of this performer.
longBio String A detailed biography of this performer.
tags String A space-delimited list of tags.


Search for performers.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords.
countOnly String If count_only is set, an abbreviated version of the output will be returned. Only total_items and search_time elements are included in the result.
sortOrder String One of ‘relevance’, ‘name’, ‘event_count’, ‘demand_member_count’, or ‘created’
sortDirection String One of ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Default is ‘ascending’.
pageSize String The desired number of results per page. Maximum 100, defaults to 20
pageNumber String The desired page number


Delete a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The performer ID to withdraw.
note String A short reason why this performer was withdrawn.


Add links to an performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The performer ID.
link String The link url being added.
description String Description of the link being added.
linkTypeId String The type of link being added. Corresponds to one of the follow values: 1 Info; 2 Office; 3 News; 4 Review; 5 Sponsor; 6 Tickets; 8 Chat; 14 Webcast; 15 Blog; 16 Other; 17 Official Site; 18 Podcast; 19 Website;; 20 Wiki; 21 MySpace; 22 Ringtone; 23 Facebook; 24 Official Tickets; 25 Twitter


Remove links from an performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The performer ID.
linkId Number The link_id of the link being removed.


Add an image to a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The performer ID.
imageId String The image ID


Get all events for a performer.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the performer.
pageSize String The page_size (number of events) to be returned
pageNumber String The page number of events to be returned (defaults to 1).


Get all performers based on external ids (facebook, etc).

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
source String The source of the external ids (facebook ids should be fb_uid) for other providers please contact eventful to see if we support them.
ids Number Comma separated list of ids to map to eventul performer ids.


Get the details for a demand.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
id String The ID of the requested demand.


Search for demands.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
keywords String The search keywords.
location String A location name to use in filtering the search results.
countOnly String If count_only is set, an abbreviated version of the output will be returned. Only total_items and search_time elements are included in the result.
sortOrder String One of ‘relevance’, ‘name’, ‘category’, ‘member_count’, ‘performer’, or ‘created’
sortDirection String One of ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Default is ‘ascending’.
pageSize String The desired number of results per page. Maximum 100, defaults to 20.
pageNumber String The desired page number.


List the available categories.

Field Type Description
appKey credentials Eventful app key.
consumerKey credentials Eventful consumer key.
consumerSecret credentials Eventful consumer secret.
oauthToken String OAuth Access Token from getAccessToken method.
oauthTokenSecret String OAuth Access Token Secret from getAccessToken method.
subcategories String Optional - set to 1 to get subcategory information back.
aliases String Optional - set to 1 to get category aliases back in the results.
Follower: 10
Rapid account: Volodimir Kudriachenko
Volodimir Kudriachenko
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Bewertung: 3.3 - Stimmen: 3