AI Weather by Meteosource

על ידי MeteosourceWeather | מְעוּדכָּן hace 2 meses | Weather

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יוצר API:
Rapid account: Meteosource Weather
היכנס כדי לדרג את ה- API
דירוג: 4 - הצבעות: 5

תקרא אותי

Meteosource Weather API provides the most advanced and easy-to-use weather API.

Receive accurate and reliable weather data that cover all your business needs. Our forecasts are created based on multiple models, artificial intelligence, and statistical evaluation of all available data. Weather is updated every 10 minutes to reflect the most recent changes. Meteosource also offers customised applied AI models and products for various industries such as energy, retail, insurance, and construction - please get in touch if you are interested.

Bellow, you will find a Description of Variables and Places Types used in our endpoints. For a complete guide, please see our Weather API documentation or check our Wrapper libraries.

Places types in Location endpoints

May be one of the following values:

  • administrative areas (states, counties, districts…): administrative_area
  • country: country
  • a different political entity from a country (for example, a dependent teritory): political_entity
  • villages, towns and cities: settlement
  • air industry locations: airbase, airfield, heliport, airport, airport_terminal
  • places related to water: bay, channel, fjord, lake, pond, falls, gulf, harbor, reservoir, sea, dam, cape, island, peninsula
  • places related to mountain areas: hill, mountain, peak, valley, volcano, canyon
  • other places related to nature: park, reserve, resort, desert

Description of variables

Name Description
weather String identifier of the weather icon, e.g. light_rain.
icon Numeric identifier of the weather icon. The following values can appear: 1 - Not available, 2 - Sunny, 3 - Mostly sunny, 4 - Partly sunny, 5 - Mostly cloudy, 6 - Cloudy, 7 - Overcast, 8 - Overcast with low clouds, 9 - Fog, 10 - Light rain, 11 - Rain, 12 - Possible rain, 13 - Rain shower, 14 - Thunderstorm, 15 - Local thunderstorms, 16 - Light snow, 17 - Snow, 18 - Possible snow, 19 - Snow shower, 20 - Rain and snow, 21 - Possible rain and snow, 22 - Rain and snow, 23 - Freezing rain, 24 - Possible freezing rain, 25 - Hail, 26 - Clear (night), 27 - Mostly clear (night), 28 - Partly clear (night), 29 - Mostly cloudy (night), 30 - Cloudy (night), 31 - Overcast with low clouds (night), 32 - Rain shower (night), 33 - Local thunderstorms (night), 34 - Snow shower (night), 35 - Rain and snow (night), 36 - Possible freezing rain (night)
summary Short text summary of the weather, e.g. Light rain.
temperature Temperature 2 metres above ground.
feels_like Feels like temperature.
wind_chill Windchill temperature.
dew_point Dew point temperature.
wind.speed Wind speed 10 metres above the ground.
wind.gusts Wind gust speed.
wind.dir Wind direction in N, NNE, NE, …, NNW format.
wind.angle Wind direction angle in degrees, 180° means wind from the south.
cloud_cover Percentage of sky covered by clouds.
pressure Atmospheric pressure at mean sea level. Total precipitation amount accumulated since last hour.
precipitation.type Precipitation type, one of rain, snow, rain_snow or none if there is no precipitation.
probability.precipitation Probability of non-zero precipitation.
probability.storm Probability of thunderstorm.
probability.freeze Probability the temperature drops below 0 °C.
ozone Total column of ozone.
uv_index UV index, values from zero (low risk of harm) to 11+ (extreme risk of harm).
humidity Relative humidity.
visibility Visibility.
astro.sun.rise Datetime of the sunrise or null during polar day/night.
astro.sun.set Datetime of the sunset or null during polar day/night.
astro.sun.always_up True if the sun never sets on given day (polar day), false otherwise.
astro.sun.always_down True if the sun never rises on given day (polar night), false otherwise.
astro.moon.rise Datetime of the moonrise or null if the moon does not rise on given day.
astro.moon.set Datetime of the moonset or null if the moon does not set on given day.
astro.moon.always_up True if the moon never sets on given day, false otherwise.
astro.moon.always_down True if the moon never rises on given day, false otherwise.
astro.moon.phase Number of the moon phase, from 0 to 3 (inclusive), meaning new_moon, first_quarter, full_moon, last_quarter, respectively.